It is a Full House now
Beautiful sunny bright morning. It is 13 C, amazing. Magnolia tree is loaded with beautiful many shades of lilac color flowers. Red and Golden yellow Tulips are also adding up the beauty of my garden. It is like cherry on top. Couple of months back, my son sprinkled some Tulip seeds by the side of my garden. It is now in full bloom.
I like Tulips, it's radiant colors, always ready to spread happiness around. It looks summer is here with all of it's beauty and glamor.
Yellow gold Weeds on lush green grass, also looking great. It was raining off and on, all week. My son is delaying lawn moving, waiting to let the ground completely dry out. Weeds have time, to bloom for a while.
It is Tuesday, garbage pick up day in our neighborhood. Yellow and brown trucks are here to collect bottles, papers and kitchen garbage stuff, from our blue and green bins. Garbage to be picked up not every week. It is on alternate Tuesdays.
Today my eldest grandson, the Lucky Guy and my daughter in law, are coming back from Houston. Their flight is to be landed at Pearson airport at 5. 45 pm. It will be rush hours so I think, they will be home around 7.30 after. I am baking Boneless chicken and fried rice with peas. They will like it.
For couple of days, it was very busy time for me. My daughter in law is away for around two weeks. I had to manage things single handedly. What to cook, to put on the dinner table. What to give for lunch to two of my grand kids. The middle one and the youngest one is with me. They like to bring lunch from home.
I like cooking, still to manage single handedly is tough. I am happy, I handled all that. At our age, it is tough to take extra pressure. Managing our own matters, is more than enough. Our nerves are not so strong and same is our physical health.
We are at the end side of the cycle of our life cycle. It is a reality. We have to accept. We have to be thankful to God Almighty for giving us strength and patience to manage things, Thank You God for looking over us, all the times.
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