Here is 2019 with a Clean Slate

Image result for backyard garden with flowers pictures

Happy New Year to
All My Dear Readers

It is Monday cloudy hazy morning with 3 C. It was raining last night. 
Everything looking beautiful after shower. Skeleton trees all decorated 
with pearls. Pearls also scattered all around on the grass at my front garden.
I am getting ready to go. I am working part time today.

It is end of December one more year is going down the drain. Time passing so quickly. We have to value every moment. What is gone never comes back.
So much done in the past week. So much to write down for my Dear Readers.

On the third Thursday of every month, we have pot luck in our club.
We purchased tickets for five dollars to get light snacks, sandwiches, 
deserts, coffee and tea. 

Gate prizes were also there for tickets, to be called. It was festive 
atmosphere. I enjoyed the music and the people around. The whole 
event was for our club members.

My friend who was giving me ride home, was leaving early so I left my 
ticket with one of my friend. Next day on Friday morning, while 
I was busy working in my office cubicle, two of my friends came to me. 
One, holding big bag with the gift, I won on my ticket from the club.

My other friend holding freshly baked cake and card for me. That was 
more than enough to make my day. At that time my Son was in the library, 
he was looking for some books. He has taken day off for kids. I gave bags 
to him to take home.

I am working full time today will go home after 3 pm. Sun just came out. 
Weather looks great. It is 10 am, time to go to the next room to play Darts. 
Talk to you later My Friends. Enjoy your time and keep smiling please.

Dear Friends in Ireland I agree with you, Sermons have to be very short 
and with some substance. This is the main reason people start avoiding to 
go to Church and other Places to Worship. 

They feel like they will be hijacked and no way out for long. Priests have 
to be reasonable, rather being carried away. They have to keep in mind that 
there will always be a second chance to speak out.

Dear Retiree Friends I don't know what to write about Priests. To give back
the donation collected from public, is in my opinion, not a bigger issue.
I believe the main issue is that, they lost public trust.

After cheating Creatures of God, how come they are still leading Prayers, 
delivering Sermons, preaching everyone to follow the right path. They have 
to show some character before talking about Holy Books. How come these people be trusted as God representatives.

Kris Dear I am really very disappointed with you. You can not take care of
Niklas and Hannah. Your focus is only, what Father wants. Father 
wanted to kick Niklas out of his room and you did it. 

I think now I start praying for Father. May God give Father some sense 
Amen. What else can I say. You are ruining your family life at the expense of Father's enjoyment. 


  1. I posted the blog in Smile Corner. Even though it is New Year's holiday but customers came to me to open my shop and post the blog. There were out of town customers too. I was reluctant because it is a holiday and I dont want to face more charges but they all went to the police chief's house. This is a small town and not like Dublin or Limerick, so everyone knows everyone. The police chief was asked to give special permissions. He originally said no but then I showed him the blog that you wrote yesterday and today and somehow your words had a magical effect on him. He agreed right away. The customers raised slogans for him but he asked everyone to remain peaceful and calm. All had a good time except the priest, who was looking a little down but the police chief smiled and said to him that Smile is right, just keep your sermons short and sweet. All then raised slogans saying Happy New Year Smile

  2. Happy New Year to my awesome Smile


  3. Happy New Year. You write every day. I am sorry that I have been asking you to write for me. I read this blog every day. I ask you because it is my lifeline


  4. Happy New Year. I like in Russia

    1. Happy New Year. I no good Anglais but French good.

    2. I enjoy blog. It very good. I read China. Happy New Year

    3. Happy New Year. I read you blog Italy

    4. Just wanted to let you know that you have followers in India also. We want to wish you Happy New Year

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I bring Happy New Year cake. I give to all. Job worker 2 come and say this big cake you brig. I say yes I bring because I want all to say Happy New Year to my Madam. Se say you so good to Madam because she no write for you but you still bring cake for her but I bring cake for you and also help when you fire. Think about it. I say yes you good point. She then say she need go. I say why you go. She smile and say my job done. May be she go home. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees would like to congratulate you on Happy New Year. We used our meeting today to discuss how you have helped us this year. The hospital administrator pointed out that you helped improve the quality of patient care, the trustees of the school board and some parents who were her pointed out that you helped improve students' lives. The retired chef pointed out that your recipes increased revenues for the 5 star properties, the Smile cafe manager reminded us of the Smile menu that was created, the various subcommittees pointed out that you have helped create new research topics including in the fields of mental health, physical endurance, family living, joint family situations, parenting, teen age issues and so many other issues. We still are a little concerned about the quality of care you are getting at home by your son. We noted that his behaviour has got worse over the course of the year eg last year he took you to the frozen lake, did not even take you to a doctor after the bus accident, the lack of proper cleaning of the driveway, etc. We can only hope that he improves over time

    thank you and a Happy New Year again
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We had a big celebration yesterday. The celebrations started with the reading of your blogs. As it is typical, the students, Smile Army, the great friends as well as the students from the local school read your blog. Though it was new year's eve, there was no alcohol allowed as you dont like it. It was a very fun event. The Dean and the Chancellor thanked us all for a great year and also thanked YOU for your contributions. The great friends, the students and the police all sang Happy New Year to you

    The students visiting their homes are having a very bad time They complain that their parents scrutinize the time that they wake up, the time they go to sleep, what they eat etc. They also force them to go to christmas parties where they meet their friends ie the parents' friends and families. The students have nothing in common with anyone their, but they are forced to go anyways. One student said that the parents can learn a little if we force them to go to meet our (ie student's) friends's home and they meet the random people ie friends' parents. We have to suffer because of our parents. They said that your grandkids are probably not having to worry about that

    Happy New Year

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. Happy New Year Smile

    cool Kyle

    1. Smile is a magician with words.

      Happy New Year Smile


  9. Happy New Year. I am sorry we gave you so much trouble

    Mother in law of the Happy Reader

    1. Happy New Year and thank you for your advice and guidance throughout the year

      Happy Reader

  10. Happy New Year to my amazing Smile

  11. Hearty felicitations to you on the commencement of 2019. We wish you and yours the very best. You have been enriching our lives for years now and have helped us to become well rounded individuals. As we hosted a new year celebratory event at our establishment, we read excerpts from your blogs from the past year to regale our kith and kin. Needless to say your nuggets of wisdom proved to be a wondrous collage of wit, humour and sagacity

    Thank you for making our lives better

    Dave and Linda

  12. On behalf of myself and all our cabinet members and associates Happy New Year to you!

    Keith Walker

  13. Father say you yell father lot today. Father say he no mind because father angle. Father say father say Happy New Year you. Father say you say Hannah angle but you no no that Hannah bad. Like she try be family when she no family. And she no make complete brakfast and Hannah no make lot food and father hunger. Hannah no like animal to. Father say but father try hard to help Hannah but it very dificult case. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hapy New Year you. Hannah say father litle upset today because Hannah no mix all froot in oatmeel but only cut. Hannah say Hannah no do mix because father want mix froot himself but today he no want. Hannah say it ok when we get old it hapen because no all like you. Hannah say you think all good because you angle. You care all Niklas. You Kris care al reader. Hannah say you please take easssiee in 2019 and no walk snow. Niklas say he go out night to celebrate Hapy Year. Niklas say he say he go friend place and then go bier and smoke. Niklas say he plan more bier and smoke 2019 because all yell Niklas and he no like. Me want thank you and say Happy Year. You help me lot. Me take father watch firework night because father say he want watch fire. Father then say he want go see see morning. Father say he only want go see see 2 min but me need go before son. Me say father no go but he say you Kris go. Me say Smile Kris no go he bad and no clean ice to. Father say he do al. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  14. What ?!! No Happy New Year, nothing? !! I was hoping that this is a celebratory day and we will have a different outcome. But ...... Yes I know, I know

    Great comment mrizvi. You are simply brilliant kiddo

    PS: Happy New Year Smile

  15. Happy New Year Smile!

    Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllaaaaaaaxxxxxx Plunker. Just Caaaaaaaaaaalllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down. No need to waste your health and time on this

    You guessed correctly mrizvi. Way to go


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