White Butterfly is here to make my day

It is 8.15, Friday morning, no rain, not too hot. Beautiful day 18 C now. Just done with my breakfast, enjoying my cup of tea, walking around in my back garden. The dew drops looking great, scattered like pearls on the lush green of my grass. The Peach and Red color David Austin roses are taking a break, same are the Pink Canadian Roses. I think they need some time off. Everyone needs that. There are variety of other flowers, to fill the flower bed of my garden, but Blood Red white streaked flowers of Dahlia looking really wonderful, like cherry on top, adding up the beauty of my flower bed. My friend, the White Butterfly is also here, to make my day. It is 8.45, I have to go inside, have to get ready for my work. End of the tour of my back garden. I now started working part time, playing Darts, two days a week, from 10 to 11.30. I have to be there 10 minutes before. We are only ten people allowed inside with Masks and social distancing. Cases are going down in our province...