I am in a Travel Lounge

It is Sunday 11.30 in the morning, I am sitting in Tim Horton.
Enjoying my half and half coffee with two cream, one sugar
and one carrot walnut muffin.
I believe, we have to give color to our moments in hand. Take it like time
to do some celebrations. We have to give a warmhearted welcome, to our
own self too, I believe. Life is the same for everyone, with all ups and downs.
It is all up to us, how we take it. I try to cherish every moment. It will never
back to you again. Every moment, we spend, is like an episode of our own
story of life.
When it is slipping away out of our life, we have to have a feel for that.
Not a feel of regret, neither a feel of sorrow or sadness. Please don't do that
way. Even the moments were hard, give credit to yourselves.
Make sure to remind that you faced those moments with all the courage,
grace and dignity. Don't forget to thank God. He made it possible for you
to handle everything.
If moments are great and full of happiness, try to cherish in your memory
box and let it go with a warm handshake. I feel like I am standing in a
Travel Lounge, where I can see the moment are departing.
But I have to stay there to greet the moments, right at the time of their
arrival too. Everyone likes a welcome. We have to go some extra miles
as these are the integral parts, like building blocks of our lives.
Every moment is precious. We have to welcome and give value
and credit to each and every of them for being in our life.
I am done with my coffee and with writing of my Blog. Time to go home
now. My Son is in Home Depot, he will pick me up any time soon. Weather
is like a roller coaster. From 31 C below zero, it is 3 C below zero today.
It is very slushy, not safe to walk around. Some areas turned into ice rink.
All the snow started melting down a bit, not completely, as temperature
is still below zero.
Dear Retiree Friends please not to discus about Religions. There are so many common points of interest. Blog Reading Sessions have to be like
a neutral place, where everyone can enjoy and relax, to have good time.
Dear Students, I am not happy with the attitude of my Smile Army Friends.
They always lose control of their patience and emotions. They have to be
patient and listen to their teachers. Patience is virtue. We have to learn this
unique talent.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are talking about Smile's blogs. The Councillor is here also with his supporters and so was the Priest. The Councillor is saying that Smile is one of us. When the Priest reminded him that you are an English aristocrat who probably went to the best English schools, the Councillor supporters started yelling slogans "Win with Smile" and "Smile is the Best". In the end, the priest left. We are nervous that the rival councillor will win and then close down Smile Corner
ReplyDeleteThis blog is my lifeline. I read it every day.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome Tim Hortons goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read blog in France. I no read every day but read on weekend for hole week.
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Me English no good. Russian good
DeleteI like you blog in China. It very very good
DeleteThis good. I no Anglais but Spanish good
DeleteYou blog good. I read Italy
DeleteCan you please tell my mother in law about coffee places. She spends all her time at home, making plans to harass me
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say good morning. I say good morning and good morning. She say why you say good morning two times? I say one good morning for you and one good morning to me. She say what you mean ? I say my Madam explain in blog that we need to greet ourselves to. So I did one greeting to you and one greeting to me. I think she like idea because she smile and say lets tell all job workers because it very good idea. I say her but remember last week they laugh. She say they laugh because they enjoy. I say but I think they joke about me. She say but why do you care because it more important to tell you Madam idea than laugh. IF you no want then I can tell the idea. I say no I no care if all laugh. My Madam more important. Jon worker 2 laugh and say good. I say where you going? She say my hob here done now I need call all job people for break.She then go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees went for our long walk today. As usual, it was a long walk just under 10 mins with a few breaks in between. Our walk, though very long for us is nothing compared to the ones that you take. After that we had our lollipop
The retirees were very appreciative of your blog today. The retirees were very inspired by your blog and your wise counsel. Many retirees were depressed before reading the blog but we realized that we should treat each day as a gift . Thank you for your wise words. We are investigating the blog in more details to determine what other nuggets of wisdom we can gather from that
The retired priest has been and the hijab lady as well as all the temple people have been banned from the readings. They insisted that you wont prefer that we dont do that but we told them that there cannot be any more discussion about religion. The retired atheists were very pleased . They asked the cafe manager to serve desert for everyone and charge the costs to them. The hijab lady didnt eat it as she said that it includes gelatin. Apparently she is allergic to gelatin
thank you
recent retiree
A new blog every time! Fantastic!!
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Why are you so surprised Kyle? We are all used to it and have been spoiled by Smile. Just enjoy
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. As usual there were a lot of people. Prof George mentioned to the Dean that the speaker system needs to be enhanced again. The Dean smiled and said that he will donate the new system also. Prof George said that many professors will like to contribute but the Dean waved his hand and said that it is his gift for the garden. He also mentioned that it is a good thing that we need to keep getting bigger and bigger system because it means that the crowds are getting bigger and more people are benefiting from it.He thanked Mrs. Lucy for bringing the goodies for so many people every week. Mrs. Lucy said that it is her privilege. She said that she feels bad that an author of your stature has to wait at Tim Hortons. She said that it is too bad that your son continuing to not take proper care of your. She then joined everyone to play darts
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing councillor. She has amazing friends. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you forget yell father today. Father say he joke please no mind. Father say you good idea do celberate all time.Father say father yell Kris lot because he keep say no party all time. Father say father plan lot party and do celebrate . Father say father no no why you wait for you Kris at kafee . Father say you need yell him and say him that he need stay. Father say when father go spend time alone father make sure Niklas no far. Father say father give tip you but you no need thank. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah tire because kris party for 125 peeple and niklas time rest. Hannah say Hananh give warm milk father nite and then kleen kitchen and do plan party and then slip and then wake before son to give brakfast father and give food rabit. Hannah say Hannah no mind work because Hannah want good atmosfare home.Hannah say Hannah kris wory you because you alone in kafee. Me say father you no say party but father yell me and say me shut . Me then say Hannah then me if party then me invite 20-30 peepl to. Me yell Niklas because he no do amy work and play video all time . Niklas say all Niklas play video but me say you Niklas help all time and go walk with you. Niklas say no do. Me yell him because he talk and cut fone. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father happy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Ho Ho Ho. I guess this is la la land. Will this ever going to stop. My blood pressure shoots up and temp rises. It is absolutely crazy stuff
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Way to go. Simply brilliant comment
Just reeelllax. Watch a movie. Just chill. The kids today are rebellious.
ReplyDeletemrizvi's comment is spot on. It is absolutely a good comment. Amazing how mrizvi was able to guess so accurately every day