Just do it

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It's mid of February and two big snow storms are on the way. Snow is already all around. February is usually a tough month here in Canada. Same for the parts in America closer to the Canadian borders.

I called my brother yesterday. It was the same story over there. He was stuck at home and walks were out of question for nowadays. He lives in Whitby with his daughter, twenty minutes away from my place Pickering in Canada. He is visiting his other daughter in Chicago. He was thinking that he will be away from the tough freezing cold days over here. Not anymore.

I am worried about him. He is not in good shape, facing Parkinson problems. He is about my age, just a couple of years younger than me. In his good days, he was a very active and outgoing person.

We have to value our moments in hand. You never know what is going to come in later days ahead. God forbid anything can happen at any stage of our life, still the last leg of the cycle of our life is a bit tricky.

Our body becomes older. Our energy level is low. Even the day to day matters start looking demanding to handle at that stage of life. Anything on top becomes tough, not easy to carry on with our routine activities properly.

We start being dependent on others. That is a disaster for our mental well-being. We can not take it. Start feeling low leaning towards depression. Health of our mind and body both become at stake. We are already fragile and that situation is like a disaster for us seniors.

Try to enjoy whatever you have. Time flies. Don't wait for tomorrow. Present is everything. We don't know about the future. Everything starts changing. Same with the weather conditions. Just do it. Enjoy the days of your life. Try to spread happiness to make the days of the people around too.


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