I love my kitchen

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Happy St Patrick day
to all my Irish friends

We in Toronto are in the middle of a couple of snow storms. There were two back to back with twenty five centimeters of snow. Thirty years ago I used to live in Ottawa. There we experienced heaps of snow. Winter days were tough. long for more than six months over there.

People used to walk on the frozen lake surface. Snowflakes were floating on the lake water even in the month of May. Roads used to be cleared thanks to the city still snow used to be like hillocks around. Nowadays it's the same situation here in Toronto. City expects that it will take three weeks to clear all that mess.

My walks are on hold for now. I try to go to the Coffee house to change my scenery whenever I can. My grandson goes to the gym. I coordinate with his schedule. My son was going to get groceries yesterday, He dropped me at Tim Hortons. Even the coffee house entrance was not safe. I was taking my steps very carefully.

We try to get out, taking safety into our top priority. Sunday was not a good day for us. The entire city looked to stand still due to the large amount of snow showering from up and above. I spent my time shunting between my computer and my kitchen. Kitchen, I think, is a great place to rescue, whenever we are stuck, not able to leave our household territory.

We can enjoy getting busy with making dishes of our choice. It's a unique experience to mix and match the ingredients around. Waiting for the resultant product is like a pleasant surprise. I really enjoy all that.

Attitude is key to making our days, I think. We can make or ruin our days. This is all up to us. We have twenty four hours of time every morning in hand. Try to be happy with whatever is available.


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