Flowers are smiling

 May be an image of flower


 September 21st 2024

It's early morning, 8.30, not so early still my body is not listening to me. I am rolling in my bed, trying to pamper my body, may be it works and she can listen let's see. I think, I have to wait, give her some time. Pushing will not work. It puts pressure on the other party. Patience is key to sort things out. I am not in a hurry too.

It is  9,15, my patience worked out. I am in my kitchen, making my breakfast. My favorite morning drink, warm water with one teaspoon of honey and oatmeal porridge. I don't make tea for myself. No tea for me in the morning at home.

I work on weekdays, go to the library to play Darts. We have break time to enjoy tea / coffee and cookies. I enjoy my morning tea over there. On other days, I go for my walk to Tim Horton to write my Blogs. I take coffee / tea at Coffee House.

My eldest daughter asked me to write my story. I started to write that. It is my new project. I am working on that too. So nice of her to get interested in my life and to ask me to pen it down. I appreciate and I am proud of that too.

It's Saturday, I am at Tim Horton. I take it like my second home, come here to be alone to focus on my inner thoughts. To talk to my own self. It's 12.30, I am enjoying my small tea with three cream and one sugar.

I was at Frenchman's Bay earlier today. My son used to wake up early. He likes to go to lakes. I like that too and also never miss my chance to get out. It helps to change your scenery, elevates your mood. We always have to go for that. 

I was at the lake at 10.30 am. It started raining, not heavy, just a light drizzle. We left at 11.45. My son goes for long walks. I like to walk by the beach. I enjoyed the beautiful scenic atmosphere. 

Water in the lake was glistening like Silver, was trying to talk to me, looked happy. Wild flowers of all colors, purple, yellow and red, all looked to me like, they were smiling too, enjoying all that. Nature is really amazing. I was happy too, appreciating my son for taking me there to enjoy my time.

We parents have to admire and try to be thankful to our kids for whatever time they can make to spend with us. They are busy with work and with their own family. We have to realize that. Don't have to expect too much. Let them enjoy their own life. It is their time. Leave them alone to enjoy their life.



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