Enjoyng my Golden Era

 May be an image of flower


September 24th 2024

It is Tuesday, a cloudy hazy morning. I am off work today. Not going to play Darts. I take it like going to work. At this age, I mean after retirement, we have to take these things like work to trick our own self. It helps to elevate our will power, controls our mood swings and also boosts our confidence.

I just checked the weather channel, it will rain all day. It's been raining since early morning. Back garden looks great. Marigolds are smiling in the flower bed at the back. Grass is all lush green. I can't see any roses on the David Austin and on the Canadian rose plants.I think season is done for them. Everyone needs some time out. It's OK.

It's 11.15, I noticed the rain just stopped, it will start again at 12 after. I have to be quick, get ready to go for my walk. At the time while we are young, going to school or busy with work. We have our time table, all planned. We have no worries to plan our day. It's all tailor made. We have to go with the flow, just follow the plans. That's it.

At the age after retirement and with more than three quarters of a century old body like mine. We have to do lots of work to plan our day taking into account how far our body can go. How much pressure I have to put on our body. We know it can backfire. We might end up with health issues.  Broken bones will be a disaster. We will be done for the rest of our life. Have to think about all that while planning our day.

We don't want to be couch potatoes too. That won't be good for the health of our mind and body. It will affect our mental attitude. We will stop taking initiatives to start to do things to get busy with something physical, to move our body. We will become lethargic.

It's very important to plan our day in old age. It won't be good doing nothing and sitting idle. I take old age like a golden era of our life. We are done with our work and family responsibilities. This is all our own time. Plan what you like to do. It's now time to make it happen.

It's 11.50, I am at Tim Hortons enjoying my coffee. I picked the time slot between 11 to 12, for my walk. There was no rain at that time. I'm happy. It's always good to get out to change your scenery. It's enough to elevate your mood. You start looking at things with a positive perspective.

It is 16 C, I should have taken my other jacket, not this light one. Next time I will keep that in mind. It's not good to get sick to be a liability to our kids. They are already busy with their work and with their own family. It's not good to put extra pressure on them. It won't be nice. We have to try to handle our own things as long as we can. Life is all good for now. Thank You God for everything.


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