
Showing posts from September, 2024

Storage Box or Computer

    September 17th 2024 It's a beautiful morning. Nice day. I take mornings like the face of our day. We have to start our day with something positive, with a smile. Try to look around to find anything to put a smile on your face. Open your day account with positive deposits. Try not to start with any negatives to spoil your day. Writings are like imprinting that script deep down. It will be implanted into your brain, safe and sound somewhere in the back of your mind. You will carry that for the rest of your life. We never give a damn, thinking that our mind is like a storage. Think twice before writing anything on paper or on the computer. Our mind opens up to transfer data from the storage, whenever required. Try to deposit something good to use later on. Our life is just like a roller coaster. We have so many ups and downs dealing with our day to day matters. “Life is a science. How to spend your life is an art“. I read that while I was in my teens. I believe that. We have to be

I Love You Mom

    It’s the weekend, 7:35 AM, and I’ve just woken up. The sun is shining brightly. It’s a beautiful morning. I have a busy day ahead. I checked my calendar and realized it’s time for my hair wash and color. I usually do this every couple of weeks, and with everyone still asleep, it’s the best time to tackle it. In Canada, there’s more land than people, and houses are quite spacious. We have five washrooms in total: two in the basement, one on the main floor, one in the master bedroom with a standing shower and tub, and one upstairs near the bedrooms. I mostly use the upstairs one. When I visit my daughters in England, I have to adjust to using one washroom for the whole family. It must be tough for them too. People are adaptable; we can adjust to any situation. I don’t mind the one washroom—I love being there with my daughters and especially with my grandkids. They’re busy with their work and university, and flying over for a visit is a long journey. I understand it’s not practical fo

It is Ok I will change plans

    September 10th 2024 Bright beautiful day. Cold sunny morning. It is 9.15, 16 C right now. I had a good night sleep, still my body is not in a mode to co-operate with my day plans. I will reschedule some of my plans for later, may be for tomorrow. Not doing my laundry today. Let's see how it works. We have to push ourselves to do things, still have to listen to our body. There is always, ' Give and take ', in all relationships. Same works here, with our body. I have to be patient. I will give some time to my body to move on, to work with me.  Mind and Body are two in one. One is not in good shape, the other one won't listen too. Situations like this, we have no option. Just have to wait. Be patient. See how it works. Patience is virtue, always able to handle all situations.  It is 10.30, my friend called me. She lives in Markham, twenty minutes drive away. We did our Masters Degree, together, more than half a century ago. She doesn't drive, neither m

Flowers look happy

    September 7th 2024 Beautiful day. Great Morning. Bright and sunny. I checked weather channel, there is 40 % chances of rain from 11 am onward. It is 10.30, 13 C cold, still no rain, no snow for now.   I am leaving for Coffee House to make my day. All set with my black jacket and red woolen stole. I will take short cut route through, back of the town houses.  It is beautiful scenic walkway. Water running by the side. Wild flowers of all colors, Red, yellow, violet and white, all are smiling under tall trees. So much green around to enjoy. We have to fill our day slots with things to do. Things we like, we enjoy. Such a simple recipe to enjoy your life. Life is a gift from God. We have to value that.  We have to avoid feeling miserable. It will be like degrading  precious gift of life. God won't be happy with that attitude. We are here for a given time. All are waiting for calls to leave. We don't know when. Not our choice to pick date and time to leave. It is a

Waiting to watch Colors

    September 3rd 2024 Beautiful, bright cold morning, it is 14 C. Sun is shining up and above in full bloom. Sun is there, even in cold below zero days, most of the times to make our days brighter. It is beauty of Canada. Winter is just around the corner. Cold days are getting closer. All four seasons come with full intensity, h ere in Canada. We can have a feel and enjoy all.  We Canadians are ready to bundle up, to dress up in layers. Ready to walk and skate on frozen waters. Ice hockey here, is very popular sport. People go for ice fishing too, to enjoy their time. This is September, summer days are slipping away. Trees look scared for the days ahead to come. It is time, their color will start changing from green to all shades of red, coffee, gold and orange.  Month of October is great to watch colors. People enjoy that, not good for plants. They start losing their strength, their energy. For them, it is hard to cope. It is 9.15, I am enjoying breakfast on my deck. My fri