
Showing posts from August, 2024

Enjoying my Own Company

    August 30th 2024 It is 9.15, 16 C, summer days are over  for we Canadians. Now have to get ready for days to come, to dig out our coat closets. We are set with all sorts of coats and jackets to face our winter days. Ready to deal with single digits and even to 30 C below zero temperatures. No worries, learned our lessons. We Humans are amazing, able to cope, adjust and enjoy in all circumstances.  It is 10.15, I am at Coffee House, enjoying my coffee and my own company. Sometimes, we like to be with our own self. It is sort of meditation, I believe. My son is planning to go to Costco at 11.30. He asked me to come along. We never have to say 'NO' to the offers our kids make. These are sort of unique moments for we parents, not for kids. We feel excited to be with them, not they.  It is their age to enjoy their own company, not to get stuck with parents. They do that out of courtesy, politeness. We have to appreciate, accept and feel fortunate. Fridays are off f

We are Music Makers

  August 27th 2024 Hot day. It is 27 C, 10.15 in the morning. Weather looks like a roller coaster. Just couple of days ago, I had to use gloves, coat and woolen hat. Hot days are now back, won't stay for long. Winter time for we Canadians, is getting closer. August will be done in few days. Schools will open. New year for students t o start new life. Time to choose new path to lead their lives. Schools in Canada, get closed by the end of June, open up in first week September. Summer camp since July , is going on, in library premises. Kids are busy with activities in recreation rooms. We seniors play Darts and Carpet Bowling in that area. Our timings are cut down due to summer camp activities. Fridays are off till August. Timings to play Darts are also cut down on Mondays and Wednesdays. No more Carpet Bowling for now. Not only students, we seniors are also eagerly waiting for September days. Things will be back to normal after. For now, we have to get busy with other thi

Company with me at dinner

    August 23rd 2024 Beautiful day. Sunny and bright. It is 9.15, I am having breakfast on my deck, sitting on one of the red knitted steel chairs. My son got four of these from Home Depot, years ago.  My garden is looking great. Thanks to the rain, last week. We got so much rain this year, not had to water our garden so often. Our water bill must be cut down quite a bit.  Grass is lush green. Red, white and purple seasonal flowers are smiling in the brick red and white planters,by the side of my deck. In the blower bed at the back, two Marigold flowers are glittering like gold under sunshine.  I can't see any blood red rose flower on David Austin. Not any dark Pink flower on Canadian rose plant. The middle one plant gives beautiful peach color roses, not many, still once a while, to brighten our garden.  I like that peach color rose flower, very different and beautiful. I always forget name of this plant. I am not good at remembering names. I think, season for roses

Trees look shaky scared

    August 20th 2024 It is cold 14 C windy. Summer is already done for us in Canada. We have no regrets. We enjoyed in full, availed all our chances to go out to trails, waters and roads. We knew that it will be for short time. It is beauty of Canada, we get all four seasons in bloom. We can have a feel of each season. Every season is unique with it's own beauty, same like we humans. Everyone of us, has his own personality, his own individuality. It is 10.30, my daughters are calling me. My youngest one is calling from Reading, the middle one from Grimsby. They are making group call. It is good to save time and also we don't have to repeat things separately. Group calls have to be made only when we are on the same wave length and also with same frame of mind. Sometimes it doesn't work even within the family. This all depends on persons we are calling to. The persons on the other end. Keep that in mind to make group calls. Otherwise it is safe to make individua

Flowers giving me smile

    August 16th 2024 It is another hot day. Not comfortable to have breakfast on my deck. I have to go inside, to get some cool air. After having breakfast, I have to plan my day. It is nothing like a rocket science.  For morning, I have two choices, either stay home, keep sitting beside my computer, or get ready for my walk. I go for the second choice,. I am getting ready to get out.  Change is always good. Never get double minded to go for that. Even while staying at home, we can go to another spot, to change our scenery. Go to another room, balcony, garden, whatever is available. Even change of another spot in the same room, will make a difference to elevate your mood. We are the sole planner of our day. All depends, how we take it. Go for anything positive. Mornings are face of our day. We have to give color to our mornings. It will make our day.  Take one step at a time. Don't get stressed out to plan something big. Small baby steps will be enough to beautify morn

It is the Weather

    August 13th 2024 It is 9.30, hot day, 23 C. My breakfast is done. Have to start my day. It will be hot later on so have to go for walk now. We have to switch plans to make our day.  I am standing beside my closet to choose what to wear. It is hot, have to select something light. I picked light flowery top. My daughter got for me, two years ago from Fifth Avenue,in Pickering Town Centre. She came for couple of weeks to visit me from Grimsby, England. I picked stole with abstract print on white background. My favorite. I got it years ago from " Monsoon ", in Freshney Town Centre, Grimsby. It reminds me of golden memories spent with my daughter. I take things like these as Souvenirs. Monsoon was a good store with reasonable prices. I got my stole for ten pounds at that time, I think eight years ago. It is gone, like so many other franchises, after Covid time. Covid changed so many things in our lives. Our lifestyle is not the same. Clothing stores also got affec

I am back in childhood

    August 9th 2024 It is one of hot humid days of early August. We know that our summer days are about to be over. Just couple of weeks left to enjoy our outdoors. It was raining since early morning, still drizzling. I am having my breakfast, indoor, sitting in my eat in kitchen area.  My back garden is looking great. Grass all lush green. Two pink Canadian Roses are there, smiling, enjoying the drizzle, I think.  Blood red, deep purple, golden yellow and white, all seasonal flowers look happy, enjoying the scenic atmosphere around.  It is 10. 15, I am in my room, sitting beside my computer, browsing my Face book messages. I am also enjoying the view outside, of my front garden. Red wooden bench is looking beautiful, washed and clean, shining on the left side of my garden, beside the Magnolia tree. It is green all around. What a scenic view. Trees are loaded with green. No one can even imagine that these loaded trees will be transformed into skeletons in about couple of m

Pearls in my garden

    August 6th 2024 It's a rainy day, looking great. Pearls scattered all around in my back garden on the lush green grass. Amazing scenic view. Sun is hiding under his off white blanket. It is not dark. It is a hazy atmosphere. My deck is all washed and clean. All of my four red knitted garden chairs are shining on my deck. Glass top of my steel garden table, works for me like an instrument. It is letting me know, the speed of rain drops. I can figure out the amount of rain water falling on ground.  Rain will be all day long so my walk is not possible. I will find some other things to get busy. I will do laundry. Have to change my bed sheets. Cleaning lady is coming for couple of hours. I will be busy with her. My daughter in law has to go to work. She will not be here. I have to manage.  I take living with family, like a project. We have to work for, to streamline relationships with the people around. We have to pith in to help out. Have to take it like a duty.  It

I am at Costco

  It is too hot today. 26 C in the morning. I missed, sitting outside at my deck to enjoy my honey drink. I am now having it, sitting inside at my eat in kitchen, beside patio doors. From here I can enjoy the view of my back garden.   Grass not so green as it was, couple of days ago. We are still waiting for the rain. Today is 60% rain in forecast. Let's see. Pink, purple and white seasonal flowers, all are giving colors, adding up beauty of my garden. Single peach color Rose is smiling in the flower bed, at the back.  No flowers on the Canadian rose plant. I think, it's season is done. It was full of flowers all around, last week. Everyone has his days, same with we humans. It is very quiet, very still, not windy. It looks, I have to miss my walk too. We have to make adjustments with the circumstances.  We can find any thing to get busy to make our day. Don't have to fix our plans. Plans can be switched accordingly. Nothing is end of the world. We can do so