Ring out the Old to Ring in the New


Happy New Year

Happy Holidays

To My Dear Readers 

It is cloudy misty morning of 31st December. New year 2021 is fading away leaving bunch of memories, sweet and sour. Any year is like a mixed plate, can't be total plus. Same is life, like a Combo of happy moments mixed with some challenges to tackle. Same was the year 2021. We managed to handle things around Covid. That was really great.

Weather is mild today, 2 C below zero at my place in Toronto. My eldest daughter is in Edmonton, over there, is 50 C below zero. She is ok with that. They have special coats and boots to handle that weather. We Humans are amazing, we can mange any circumstances.

It is the last day of 2021, tomorrow is New year 2022. For the last two years, it is totally different scenario because of Covid situation. Gatherings and parties are on hold. We have to follow Directives. This is for our own safety, for our loved ones and for the people around. We have to keep social distancing and use Masks whenever required.

This is time to celebrate, staying at home with our own family, which we rarely had time to do before. Show tolerance, have patience. family is like a  Bouquet, bunch of people, living in the same premises. People of different ages living together in the same household, is family. Have tolerance, respect everyone's privacy, to prevail harmony, to get inner peace and to get  happiness. That is the beauty of family life. Enjoy the count down of New Year with your family around. Keep smiling.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner - yes posted in Smile Corner! Even though it is a holiday, lots of people came to my house and asked me to open the shop. I was not planning to do it as it is not legal here in Ireland to open shop on Jan 1st but me neighbour who is your big fan, pointed out that you yourself said that Enjoy the count down and we cant enjoy it without the blog. I was reluctant but the priest said it is an opportunity for me to make profit and besides if anything happens, you will be able to take care of it like it happened There was a big line up outside specially because the town cancelled the fireworks here. People were yelling Happy New Year and Happy New Year Smile. The priest appears to be your big fan because he was taking photos and videos

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesomedart player. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    Happy New Year Smile


  3. This blog is so important for me. It is my lifeline

    Happy New Year


  4. Happy New Year from China

    1. Happy Year to you Russia

    2. You blog good. I read Italy to celebrate New Year. Happy New Year

    3. I celebrate new year with family by reading your blog

    4. Just wanted to let you know that you have followers in India also. We want to wish you Happy New Year to our fellow compatriot

  5. My mother in law is not like you so unhappy new year for me. Your daughter in law is so lucky that she has you

    Happy Reader

  6. Another fresh blog! I am loving it

    Happy New Year

    cool Kyle

    1. Hey Kyle, dont be surprised. If you go to McDonalds expect fast food and when you come here, expect to read fresh quality content.

      Good that you are enjoying it

      Happy New Year


  7. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say hello. I say you trick me so I no want say hello back and no want talk. She say what happen. I say happy worker tell me that you trick me and tell me that 4 pages of grocery list too big. Wicked worker say but I get lot items because Madam say enjoy New Year with family. You no read Madam blog? I say OF COURSE I do and show copy from my pocket. Wicked worker say see Madam say enjoy new year with family. How can I enjoy if no food. I say I sorry. She then give me cake and say you should try to not listen to Happy Worker because she make you unhappy. She no give you cake and only give you bad ideas. I say ok. Job worker 2 then give me another list and say i want to enjoy more, will you get me more thing. I say yes it good that you are listening to Madam. Job worker 2 say yes I am trying to she good. I do 1 proud job and always read blog

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciated your blogs during this holiday season. We are not sure if you got our comments from the last few days but YOU helped us get celebrate our Christmas and this blog helped us celebrate start of the new year also. For this we are very thankful. Though it is Covid, we are still continuing our regular tradition of reading your blogs during the holiday season. The retired priest was busy during the holidays to celebrate Christmas however even he showed up every day to participate in the blog readings.

    Some of the retirees pointed out that it is very cold in Canada and snowing regularly. We hope that your son has stocked up on salt as the stores may be running out of this important commodity. Though some retirees expressed concern because of his past indiscretions, however many were of the view that even he cant mess up with this.

    All subcommittees are taking a break due to the holidays however I have been asked to remind you that they are looking for your guidance and advice. The subcommittees who have asked for an urgent request are Smile with Smile program subcommittee, Families with teenage kids subcommittee, Families with Senior living subcommittee, Active living seniors subcommittee. We understand that you are busy celebrating Christmas but when you get a chance, it will be helpful if you can provide your thoughts

    Thank you
    Recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We celebrated New Year just like we did Christmas - by reading your blog. The Smile Army idiots set up a big stage in the Smile Garden. As usual it was a festive atmosphere. The Dean was there as was Prof George, Miss Lucy, and many other professors. Everyone had a time as usual.

    The students are having a really difficult time with our parents. Some of us have finished our uni and we are now enjoying time with our girlfriends/boyfriends . Some students are getting upset with their parents because they are taking their time to increase the limits on the credit cards. They are making excuses that they are busy but if they are then they should just give us our own cards. The students are also upset that parents appear to be snooping on us. In one case, when the student returned from a party, she saw the light in her parent’s bedroom. She went to their room to confront them but saw that the mother was going to the the kitchen to get paracetamol. We think its a trick as why would she be going to the kitchen at 5 am! How would they feel if we start playing Sherlock Holmes with them?! This is ridiculous. There has to be privacy and respect. If they need any medicine, then they should keep it with them. We know that the lucky guy, Master Golden and Slurpee Boy probably do not have these issues and no one is bothering them but for us this is a problem

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say father celebrate Kristmas and New Year with lot drink. Father say father yell Niklas because he find girl friend who no German but put cloth on head and no drink beer and no eat pork. Father say father will no allow Niklas make girl friend who no German and who no celebrate Kristmas. Father say you yell Niklas to because he listen you. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah need handle kris problem.Hannah say problem is that Niklas no niklas now but become kris and find girl who no Kristian. Hannah say Hannah want Niklas to be happy when Niklas niklas and want Niklas to be happy when Niklas kris. Hannah try tell all that it no problem if Niklas like girl who no want eat pork and no want drink beer and put skarf head. Hannah say Kris yell Hannah that Hannah let Niklas become bad but Hannah say Niklas niklas and give him time and no push Niklas. All say Hannah rong. Hannah say Hannah say sorry you because you busy with Kristmas and Hannah tel you Hannah problem. Me yell Niklas because he meet wrong girlfriend all time and she try teach him bad things like no drink and no eat pork. Me tell Niklas if he no stop meet her then me will cut phone and throw him out. Niklas say he no care. Father anger. Hannah sad. Niklas sad. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Though our offices are currently closed due to the seasonal celebrations, we have posted your blog on our Intranet site so it is available as a bouquet to all our staff when they return from their holidays in any of our locations and in any continent.

    Happy New Year to you.
    Keith Walker

  12. Happy New Year to my amazing Smile

  13. Hearty felicitations to you on the commencement of 2022. We wish you and yours the very best. You have been enriching our lives for years now and have helped us to become well rounded individuals. As we hosted a new year celebratory event at our establishment, we read excerpts from your blogs from the past year to regale our kith and kin. Needless to say your nuggets of wisdom proved to be a wondrous collage of wit, humour and sagacity

    Thank you for making our lives better

    Dave and Linda

  14. What ?!! No Happy New Year, nothing? !! I was hoping that this is a celebratory day and we will have a different outcome. But ...... Yes I know, I know

    Great comment mrizvi. You are simply brilliant kiddo

    PS: Happy New Year Smile

  15. Happy New Year Smile!

    Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllaaaaaaaxxxxxx Plunker. Just Caaaaaaaaaaalllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down. No need to waste your health and time on this

    You guessed correctly mrizvi. Way to go

  16. For those writing big books about family and good living ... STOP. You dont need to waste your time as Smile has already summed it up in 1 sentence. Thats why she is a big author! Dont believe me? Have a look yourself:

    "Show tolerance, have patience. family is like a Bouquet, bunch of people, living in the same premises."

    Brilliant !!


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