Not Retired still in the Rink


Cold cloudy morning. Sun is hiding somewhere under grey blankets. My back garden is no more a garden now. Flowers are taking a break. Grass looking beautiful with white powder sprinkled over, here and there. It is a scenic view to behold. Winter season has it's own beauty. It is 8.30, I have to get ready to go to work, to play Darts. 

I am at the library, with my mask on. Game has to start in five minutes. We have to pick numbers to decide teams. I am in team number three. We have three players in each team. We are twelve players, today in total. Kitchen counter looking great with variety of cookies and cupcakes. Tea and coffee pots are ready. Such a festive atmosphere. We waited so long for all this. 

We take break after couple of games to enjoy our coffee time. It is nice to have company around in this Covid period. We have to show our vaccine passport and other papers to make sure that safety is not an issue and we all are following the Directives. It is important to tackle this Covid Virus. 

It is 1.15, I am back. Today my son was stuck in a meeting, so I am late. Usually I come home after 12.10. Anyway, things happen. We have to adjust, and try to make out of any unpredictable situation. I waited for a while, after that went to the library room, grabbed my favorite magazines, to enjoy my time. My son messaged me later, that he is still in the meeting. I told him, not to worry about, just take your time. 

We have to be thankful to our kids for whatever they can do for we parents. We have to keep in mind that they have their own life, their work and their own family, to get busy. It is nice of them, to be with us, for any time, they can manage, with their own things. 

Busy day for me. It is 1.30, I am done with my quick shower, now in kitchen to bake fish. I asked my grandkids, my son and my daughter in law, if they want some. They all want that. It is nice to put on the table, something and everyone in the family, is having that. Great feeling to spread happiness around. It elevates our mood, also gives us assurance that we are not retired. We are still in the Rink.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. As usual there is a big line up outside as people come to read the blog. People come from out of town as well. The local councillor and the mayor are very happy about this because though it increases the policing costs but it helps the local economy because out of towners do their shopping here. Today’s blog caused a lot of anger though as you had to wait for more than an hour.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome blogger. She is an awesome councillor. She is an an awesome psychiatrist. She is an awesome friend. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline .


  4. I like you blog in China.

    1. I enjoy your blog in Russia. I read with family.

    2. I read France. No comment but read all time

    3. I read blog in Spanish.

    4. I like blog. We read Ukraine

  5. I told my daughter in law that she should listen to you and not write comments. I am sorry that you have to remind her of that but the problem is that she has not been taught respect by her parents and teachers. With the amount of sleeping that she does, I wont be surprised that she is on drugs

    thanks you
    Mother in Law of the Happy Reader

    1. You dont bother your daughter in law, help with family and do so much more. You are the best mother in law in the whole wide world. I wish if there is a mother in law, then they are all like you. My mother in law is not very smart and just the opposite of you.

      Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Happy Worker come and say how you. I say I anger and sad. She say what hapen? I say I anger because my Madam son made my Madam wait for 1 hour. He didnt care that my Madam old and need eat, need drink, need rest, need write blog, need do lot things. Happy Worker say yes you right but may be he got busy. I say but how can he not tell office people I need go. In Canada they do all time that they say I need go to pick kid, do this, do that. Happy Worker say you right, but at least he tell Madam. I say who care. Was Madam ever late to pick him when he go school or go friend house or go doctor when he was kid?Happy Worker say yes, it wrong for him. I say I will go do prey. She say ok and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Smile has a knack to speak to the readers' hearts. And yes she is amazing though her son is bad.


    1. Smile can whip up the blog in a matter of minutes.

      And yes, her son is a rotten egg

      cool Kyle

  8. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees were very perplexed and concerned after reading your blog today. We were shocked that you had to wait for more than an hour for a simple pick up. Some retirees could not contain themselves and were very emotional. We have passed so many motions so there was no point to pass another one. The guy is simply a scoundrel. The retirees have nothing but sympathies to offer you.

    The subcommittees particularly Smile with Smile program subcommittee, Families with teenage kids subcommittee, Families with Senior living subcommittee, Active living seniors subcommittee have requested for your advice on the issues that I have been documenting over the past 2 months. We understand that you are busy but when you get a chance, it will be helpful if you can provide your thoughts

    Thank you
    Recent retiree

  9. Dear Author,

    We read you blog at the SRC today. We were amazed that you are so positive. The Dean who usually is very calm appeared to be very upset. He didn't say anything to us but he was heard talking to Prof George about your son. Prof George appeared quite upset as well. Smile Army volunteers were already ready to protest and when they saw this, they started yelling slogans. Some professors looked at the Dean to see if he will intervene but the Dean said let them do the right thing.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  10. Father say why you no yell you Kris if he late. Father say father yell Kris and yell Niklas because they no take father play dart. Father say father tell Kris who take Kris play futball when Kris Niklas. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah no feel good that you need wait 1 hour. Hannah say you very positive and no complain any. Hannah say father little upset today and kris yell Niklas. Hannah say it kris bad as Niklas niklas and no kris.Father anger and say me that me no take father play dart but there no senior dart here so me no able. Me tell Niklas to take father walk on driveway but Niklas say father no want go. Me yell Niklas because he talk and tell him I will cut net. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Your blogs continue to be a source of inspiration to our management team but today’s blog was specially poignant. Instead of smacking your son, as he truly deserves, you actually ended up saying nice things about him. Our VP of HR is also responsible for communication across all our locations, and she is extracting the positives from this sad story to share with our employees. The goal being to let our teams know that even if you come across a ridiculous person, you still can treat the situation well

    Thank you
    Keith Walker

  12. My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  13. We had company today and as is typical, we entertained our guests by a few excerpts of your piquant writing. As we were expecting, they were engrossed by the mesmerizing positivity in your demeanour. Instead of taking a distasteful incident involving your impious progeny, you did not allow it to shadow your day.

    Suffice to say that as the evening progressed, they realized that we have not erred in our judgment in praising your unearthly aptitude, generosity and transcendence

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  14. Will this craziness ever going to stop. I know, I know, Smile wants me to be kind to everyone, including her son, but my blood boils when I see this.

    Great work mrizvi. You guessed correctly today also. Thank you

  15. Caaaaalllmmm down Plunker. Just reeeeellaaax. No need to get yourself all worked up over kids. They are not serious about anything

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. Appreciate you writing to let us know that this is a good blog


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