New Year is leaving

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 October 1st 2024

October has already started, September is gone, history. It's a matter of a couple of months and the year 2024 will be history too. Time flies, days go on passing fast, like our own lives. We never realize that until we have to close the chapter of that year, we were in. 

We don’t realize all that even at the start of another new year. Happy, busy writing down notes, making big plans, taking the new year as a clean slate.

We start to celebrate right at midnight with full zeal, fervor and full of energy. Ready with our plans, most of these used to be ambitious and impractical. We are ready with our long list of. “ Things to do “, to start our new year, taking it as a new beginning. It is a normal practice to start on the 1st of January, every year.

It is tough, not easy for us to cope up with our plans. We start losing our interest, energy and focus. Our list of plans goes somewhere under the pillow. Even the month of January used to be tough to carry on with whatever we planned a couple of weeks ago.

I don't blame anyone. I think to get excited and look forward to filling up your days ahead, is always good. No matter what we had to face in the year before. It's good to forget the past issues. It shows a positive attitude, to turn the page and to move on with full energy and initiative.

Nothing wrong with planning your days ahead. It is a very sensible approach. We just have to be practical while compiling our list of plans. Try to take your resources, work, health, energy and family matters, into account. Don't be too ambitious so that it will not be possible to fulfill your plans, for which you were so committed to make it happen.

Don't be hard on yourself. Please don't push extra pressure. Planning is a good habit, good attitude, try to give a break to pause. Pause to smell the roses around on the way. Don't take life like you have to run a marathon. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. Try to be just yourself. That's all. Relax and move on.

I read somewhere, years ago, “ life is a science, how to live life is an art. “. I think he was right. To live your life is definitely an art, not a science. Try to give color to beautify pages of the story book of your life. Keep smiling. Push yourself to go ahead, to move forward. Don't be hard on yourself. Try to be gentle.


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