Enjoying my moments

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 October 5th 2024

It's a beautiful cold sunny morning. 8.45, 16C I am out of my bed, going to my kitchen to make breakfast. My usual oatmeal porridge and honey drink. I stopped having fried eggs in the morning. Maybe I will make an omelet afterwards to have in lunch for my son and for myself. I will see.

We don't have to make a strict Plan like a time table for what to eat. Just take something healthy, whatever you like to have. Don't have to follow your routine, your diet plan if you are not enjoying it. Don't have to take life too seriously. Try to be flexible to enjoy the moments in hand.

Moments are rare, when gone, will be gone for good, won't be coming back. Try to value, celebrate in full with whatever is available. Take life as a gift from God Almighty. Enjoy that without bothering anyone else. Try to avoid interfering in others' privacy. Focus on your own self.

It is 10.45, I am ready for my walk, I have to pick another jacket, not the light one. It's a bit cold today. We have to take care ofr our health and safety all the time, especially at our later age like mine, we have to be extra careful. Not a good idea to be a burden for our kids, to take care. They are already busy with their own things. We have to leave them alone to enjoy their life.

My eldest daughter, who lives in Edmonton, asked me to write down my autobiography. She was very excited. I started working on that. I was excited too, taking it like a project. I started rewinding my life backwards to think loud and clear to have a feel to be honest to write all that.

Believe me Just after a couple of weeks, I came to the conclusion that I have to stop that project right away. Our lives are like a combo, a mixed platter, filled with sweet and bitter moments. We come across so many difficult moments. We have to face so many ups and downs while going through our journey of life. Not good to rewind all that. We can’t take it. Tough to handle.

Our lives are not like fairy tales. It is tough to look back, rewinding the tape. Done is done. No use of turning the pages, we can't change anything. It is better to move on. Forget our past. Take it like history. Focus on the present. Have to relax and try to take one day at a time. Just plan and focus on the moments in hand. Simple recipe to live life happily. Not rocket science.


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