Our Age, Our Era of Liberty

It is Sunday beautiful bright sunny morning. This is beauty of Canada,
no matter how cold is the temperature, day always looks bright and
beautiful. I think weather keeps playing tricks to keep us distracted.
Day before I was sitting in my room with my computer on, looked through
the window. I started thinking, what I am doing sitting here, instead of
walking outside. I checked the weather, it was 18 C below zero.
Anyway, nowadays my sleep is not good. It happens my dear. At my age,
we start getting such experiences. No surprises in that. We have to sort
these things on our own, not have to disturb the people around.
Old age is just like any other stage of cycle of life. We can call it Golden Era
of our life. We have no time pressure, no work pressure. In the middle of
night, when everyone sleeping in the house and just we are awake, we don't
have to feel miserable.
First thing, we have to get relaxed, to be in a position to find things to get
involved, to distract ourselves. Beauty of old age is that, we can chalk out
our own plans. We can do whatever we want but please keep in mind,
we never have to disturb other people's peace of mind and try to keep
them out of our plans.
We never have to use our old age like a Credit Card, to cash the peace
and harmony of the household we live in. It is no one's fault so why others
have to pay for that.
We enjoyed our life in full, now let others live their lives. We seniors have
moral obligation, to prevail peaceful atmosphere in the house, we live in.
It is not fair to make their lives miserable, and making them pay for the
routine things, we are facing in our old age saga. Doesn't make any sense.
It is not our fault too that we are old. This is just an stage of the cycle of life.
Take it like your Golden Era. Era of liberty, to enjoy your time, to get busy
with the things, we never had time to do before.
Read books, watch shows, do gardening, walk around, enjoy cup of tea,
sitting in your garden, take all the time, you want to enjoy. Let's do all that
and celebrate our Golden age. Do whatever you want but please leave
others out of your plans. Let them enjoy their own lives.
My friends in Ireland, as I told before that we never have to judge people,
from where they are and where they live. Everyone is different, not the
same. That is the beauty of Human Family. God created all of His
Creatures as unique individuals.
My Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, you have to keep in mind that at work place,
there are some ethics have to be followed. We have to focus on our work
and have to be honest with our working hours for which we are paid.
Dear Retiree Friends, please don't ban anyone, all have to come to the
reading sessions of my Blogs. I take everyone like members of my Readers
Family. I love you all. Please respect everyone's emotions and stay out of
other people's personal matters. Thank you.
Kris Dear, no use of writing anything, Father still busy in having parties,
making my friends Niklas and Hannah lives miserable. You are adding up
their miseries, not helping them out. I keep praying for them.
Dear Readers I will post my Blogs on Tuesdays too. I hope you people will
enjoy that. Thanks Brenda for keeping me posted. My Friends Linda
and Dave, I am happy for your accomplishments. It is great hosting
Art Exhibitions every year. I love to hear from you people.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being weekend, customers are staying longer. They usually read blog before going for the weekly shopping in the market. A no. of them are asking for copies of the recipe from past week. I already make lots of copies but I still end up short as some customers prefer to take the blog with them to their homes or workplace. The priest was also here. He is not happy that very few people are coming to his sermons. He said the British influence is to blame for that.
ReplyDeleteI read this blog every day. It is my lifeline.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome blogger. She is an awesome advisor to the students. She is an councillor. She is an awesome dart player. She is an awesome carpet bowler. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read you blog China.
ReplyDeleteI read blog Russia.
DeleteI like blog in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature
DeleteI enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish
DeleteI enjoy Ukraine
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go sick job worker and say him how you? He say I ok. I say you no sick anymore? I think he got alergy and his voice get loud to. He say why you keep ask this, I tell you I no sick all time. I say ok but I come talk you because I very scare for my Madam. He say what you talk? I say it very cold in Canada like 18 below zero. He say so why you scare. I say because her only son no clean driveway properly and Madam can fall. He say yes he is somthing. I say so you no like him to. He say how can anyone like someone so inconsiderate and self-centered. I say but how you know what he like because I no show you blog. I think he remember make urgent phone because he no say anything and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteLooks like my mother in law needs to read your blogs more often. She cashes old age as a credit card. She should go out like you and give me some time. I get no privacy and no time of my own. She is just impossible. You are the best mother in law in the world. I wish all mothers in laws are like you
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
I was thinking of telling you that my daughter in law does not know what respecting the elders mean because she has not been taught respect by her parents and teachers. But I wont say that because I dont want to be rude. I will however ask you to write about younger people respecting elders so others can benefit from that too. Though, to be honest, I dont think there will be any who will be as bad as her
Deletethanks you
Mother in Law of the Happy Reader
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees did not go for our walk today as it is bitter cold. The temperature being 14C. Our walk though very long for us, is nothing compared to the walks that you take. The retirees went straight to the reading of the blog
The retired winter survival specialist led the reading of the blog today. The retired winter survival consultant is a leading expert in the art and science of winter living. He used to be a very sought after consultant and is well versed in winter living/ He said that he is simply blown away that you are completely winter proof. He said that when the temp used to go in single digits ie below +10, then it becomes very dangerous and seniors are advised to stay home yet you choose to venture out and go to the library despite -18C. He also said that he hopes your son is doing a decent job of cleaning the driveway because the driveway can become icy and in really bad cases, there can be icy patches, almost like a mini skating rink. When we asked him how it is possible to clean the driveway in these temps, he said that it is not that complicated, shovelling snow and then sprinkling salt is all thats needed.
The retirees appreciate your detailed advice and guidance about insomnia and old age. Many retirees are impacted by that and would like some additional advice. We have also formed a committee to look into researching your blog about insomnia. The retired clinical psychologist who used to lead the insomnia studies was asked to join the committee but she declined. She said that there is a simple fix for this. The fix is to take medicine, sleeping pills, for that. She said that these are available via prescription and hopefully your son can help you drive to a local physician to get this prescribed.
The retired priest, the hijab lady and the temple people were all allowed to attend today’s reading. The retired priest said that you are a good Christian lady. The hijab lady led the chants for Ella Homa or something like that. The temple people joined the chants. But they were quiet after that
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. It was very cold but there is not enough room in the SRC to fit all the people who come for the weekend reading. The SRC is somewhat small and can fit 100 people, though often times, there are more than that people there during the weekday blog readings. After the blog reading, the Dean asked the head of the department of psychology her thoughts about the blog. The department head, who is a senior Psychology professor responded that she will need to study this further as there are many possibilities of new research available from this blog. The Dean smiled and said, thats what he was thinking as well, but wanted to confirm as his expertise is not Psychology. The department head responded that she will ask 2 senior professors who are researching old age to analyze this blog further. One junior professor asked why 2, why not just one? The department head smiled and said, it is too complicated to be analyzed by a single professor. She said that even the 2 senior professors may find this a bit complicated and we may have to add 1 or 2 other ones to this research, however we will decide about that later.
Mrs. Lucy brought carrot dessert for everyone. They all loved it. The hospital administrator noted that it is a big hit at the hospital. The cafe manager said that preparing it is not that easy. Mrs Lucy said that you provided the recipe but you probably are supervising the cooking because it is not easy to make it. The smile army wanted seconds, as the idiots eat a lot. Mrs Lucy however knew that this will happen and had some extra for them.
A professor was heard saying to the Prof George that he does not understand if you are really a human or a robot. The Dean happened to be nearby, and said that you are anything but a robot because you are extremely sensitive and kind hearted. The professor asked him how he knows about all this? The Dean smiled and said you have helped a lot of people, including himself. The professor wanted to ask for additional information but the Dean said that it is between him and Smile. After it he joined the Smile Army in playing darts
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing! She is an amazing advisor, She is an amazing therapist. She is an amazing writer. She has amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say you yell father all time. Father say he yell Kris lot because he only care Hannah and no care father like he no take father play dart. Father yell Hannah because she act like sik and no come father in 1 bell . Father say father ring bell lot because she only sleep Father say father easy ring bell and father hand tire because father need ring lot time. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you please take kris care you and no wory Hannah. Hannah say Hannah do party because it keep house atmpsfare good but she no good because she fail most time. Hannah say it kris cool like 18 below C so you please no go and stay home. Niklas say grandpapa say Niklas find place so grandpapa can play dart because grandpapa bore at home but Niklas no no how find. Granpapa very anger today and keep ring bel. He ring every 10 min and start ring before son Niklas no able sleep . Me very tire because father ring bell lot. Me try go help but he say Hannah need come. Hannah lot sick but father no believe. He say she need stop eat but Hannah need eat lot because she need drip. Father say me need care father. Me say him me do care lot. He say me no do.Me confuse . Me no no what do.)
Kris (Germany)
All psychologists please move out and give way to the brilliant Psychologist - Smile! Yes I am saying Smile is a brilliant psychologist!! Dont believe me? Have a look:
ReplyDelete“Old age is just like any other stage of cycle of life. We can call it Golden Era
of our life. We have no time pressure, no work pressure. In the middle of
night, when everyone sleeping in the house and just we are awake, we don't
have to feel miserable.”
Brilliant !!
We are simply astounded that you are continuing to venture outdoors despite some frigid and inhospitable climate. Your tenacity to laugh in the face of old man winter is starting to become a legendary lore in our kith and kin. We typically need to read your blog a few times to go beneath the artistic brilliance and to get to the nuggets of sage that you so aptly hide in the folksy artform. Today however, we blushed as an author of your stature, took the time to encourage our humble and trivial endeavours to promote arts. We do however want to express our gratitude for your kind words. Coming from a genius who creates artistic masterclasses on regular intervals, it means a lot to us
ReplyDeleteThank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
good post
ReplyDeleteOh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....
DeleteThank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.
DeleteFantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though