Who are We to interfere ??

It is Monday morning 16 C, it was raining last night but now sun is here
to make our day brighter. Morning dew giving glitter, Black Squirrel
playing around. She is naughty.
White Butterfly whispering to pink and violet flowers, across the front
garden of my neighborhood. Everything is perfect just like picturesque
but I am not.
My Retiree Friends got the wrong message from my last week Blog.
I posted that I am not enjoying. They thought that I am sick. I am not.
Nothing wrong with my health.
I am not enjoying because of the Retired Priest. He is determined to make
my life miserable. It happens every time, especially at this time of the year,
when my Temple Friends observe their special days.
The more I hate to talk about Religion, the more he talks about that.
Always ready to target my Temple Friends. Making proclamation about
to which Religion I belong. Who gave him authority, not me.
As long as he is there to mess up with the lives of other Creatures of God.
No one will be happy. I believe God wont be happy too, wont be enjoying
all that.
Why the Priest interfering with other people's family matters, interviewing
kids. What about Niklas. Why not him. Just leave everyone alone and mind
your own business. That will be great service to Humanity.
Priest was more than enough for me to handle. Now my Student Friends
opened another chapter for me. They told me that my Friend Dean is ready
to change his Religion. This will wreck his marriage. But he is determined.
What is going on ?? I didn't want to make all this happen. I believe all
Religions go to God. Everyone has right to practice whatever he wants to,
in his own way. All is between him and God. No one has right to interfere.
God wont like that when someone talking to Him, others interfere
and question the integrity of that person. Who are we to question and
to interfere ??
We have to respect all Religions. Bond between God and His Creatures,
is eternal and sacred. None of our business. Just relax and mind your
own business please.
Smile Army Friends, please have patience and be respectful to your
teachers. No matter what. Thanks.
Dear Hannah, I love you. How come you think yourself like a bad
daughter. I love you.
I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being weekend, customers are staying longer. They usually read blog before going for the weekly shopping in the market. A no. of them are still asking for copies of the recipe from past week but I told them that I dont have it as I ran out but they dont believe me. Some are saying that I am hiding it so I can profit from it. The priest was also here and making notes and giving everyone veggie omelette to anyone saying Mornin Smile
ReplyDeleteI read this blog every day. It is my lifeline
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome advisor to the retirees. She is an councillor. She is an awesome full time worker. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read you blog China. I read family
ReplyDeleteI read blog Russia. I no read with family. I read alone and then talk
DeleteI like blog and read in France. I like to read alone because it is good English literature
DeleteI enjoy blog. I no good English but good Spanish
DeleteI enjoy blog Ukraine
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good too. Happy Worker come and say me how you. I say I very sad. He say what happen. I say Dear Mr. Retired Priest no listen Madam and make Madam very sad. Happy Worker say yes but remember Madam say no interfere so no talk about other people. I say yes but we reader family, we suppose talk about all family member. She say no its no nice. We should mind our business. I say but how you know what Madam say because I no tell blog. She say she need go. I think she head hurt too. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteI wish my Mother in law can be like you. You are so kind and nice and fun. You are the best. All mother in laws should be like you
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
Dear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog with a lot of appreciation and humility. We were appreciative that you took the time to write for our issues. We know that you have a global readership and are involved in a multitude of activities. Also, you are running your own election campaign for the federal Canadian elections. Keeping in view all this, we were even more thankful to you for considering our needs.
The retired priest was here today. He listened to your comments and your scolding with a lot of patience. Once the reading was finished, he presented to us some video evidence which was extremely graphic. As your blog is popular with a wide range of demographics, we cant even describe the graphic nature of the video. In summary, it involved chains, knives, blood and kids. We asked him to confirm if this is true and if it is taking place here in our society and he confirmed it is. He said that at the end of the funeral procession, he noticed an area cordoned off with tarp. He was able to record the imagery from inside based on the spy cameras that he and other retired spies and retired investigators had set up previously. The retired child activist and the retired human rights campaigner were shocked, and indeed we were too. The retired priest said that you are a good Christian lady and of course you dont know about any of this stuff otherwise you would not call the temple people your friends. The temple people were not here again. As the next step, the retired judge wanted to issue a subpoena to take the temple kids away so they can go to safe Christian homes but some retirees suggested that he probably should wait for your direction, as you may have better ideas
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile platform today. The Smile Platform is located at the center of the Smile Garden. The Dean was here today and after listening to the blog, he appeared upset. He does not raise his voice but he appeared to be displeased. He told us that we should stop spreading rumours about him. Apparently what we mentioned was wrong. Ge said that he is not interested in religion but has been busy with some important personal and professional issues. He said that the rumours about anyone's marriage, religion, personal finances etc should be out of bounds. Prof George was here too and looked visibly upset and angry. He said that an author like yourself should not have to deal with fabricated issues as you are solving really important things. We tried to apologize but they said that we should apologize to YOU first as we have wasted YOUR time
Some of the students are having a really hard time with our parents. Based on our experience from last time, we are thinking that we will not go home during our week long break and instead make some excuse to stay at the uni. After all, whats the point
thank you
Literature Fellow
(Father say father no use. Father say father old almost 67)
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah kris happy that you acept Hannah. Hannah say Hannah wil kris try to be good doter. Hannah say Hannah niklas time but Hannah went church to prey thank. Hannah say Hannah niklas time and Hannah no want tel today about Hannah bore life. Hannah say this kris big news so Hannah tell Kris abd tell Niklas but no tel father. Hannah say niklas Niklas kris hapy to. Hannah say you kris care you. Niklas say Niklas very hapy that you like Niklas grandma. Niklas say Niklas go church to prey thank also. Me hapy that you acept Hannah. Me tell Hannah that Hannah should plan party because this will help father to but Hannah say Hannah wait till you say. Me try tell father that father need do thing but father no do. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Smile can whip up the blog in a matter of minutes.
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
Smile has a knack to speak to the readers' hearts. And yes she is amazing. Just enjoy
This is literature at its finest.
ReplyDelete"Morning dew giving glitter, Black Squirrel
playing around. She is naughty.
White Butterfly whispering to pink and violet flowers, across the front
garden of my neighborhood. Everything is perfect just like picturesque "
Well , well, well. My head is starting to hurt now. I have run out of ideas. Same thing every day. I know, I know ....
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very insightful comment.
CCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmm doooowwwwwwwwwnnnnn ! Just reeeeeeelllllllaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxx. You are right, Smile has asked us to be kind
ReplyDeleteGood job mrizvi. Brilliant comment. I wonder what we will do without you kiddo