When His Creatures are Sad, He will be Sad Too

September the 8th ------
Bright Beautiful sunny morning with 15 C. Winter is just around the corner
but who cares, I don't need any jacket for now. We have to enjoy the
moments in hands. Past is done, we can not turn the page. Future, we don't
know. Present Moment is everything. Value that moment and just relax.
Everything will be fine.
I am very happy today, My Friends in Ireland, made my day. I told you
what goes around, comes around, so simple. I am in Toronto, sitting
thousands of miles away, still I am so sure about, that they must be happy
too, must be enjoying their time.
I thank everyone of my Dear Friends, who contributed keeping the " Smile
Corner " open. Whenever any of God's Creature, Big or Small, becomes
sad, not happy, God becomes sad too. This is my ultimate belief.
Keep this belief closer to your hearts. You will never be able to make
anyone, sad. You will keep on making contributions to spread happiness
around, to make this Kingdom of God, brighter and more beautiful.
My Dear Retirees Friends. I believe that old age is not any sickness. It is
just one of the stages of cycle of our Human life. Our old age not closing
doors from doing our things. We can do things, just have to make some
adjustments to adopt, to co-ordinate our body.
May be we are not able to move around, like in our days before. we have
our limitations. Our bodies go on losing strength. This is normal, nothing
wrong with that. Don't give wrong messages to your brain and start feeling
low and get depressed in turn.
We can still make His Kingdom brighter. Believe me we can. Get some
Flower pots, start watering. You are contributing, making to flourish the
life of His Creatures. He loves all of His Creatures Big and Small. You will
get happiness in return.
Dear Retirees, please find the Priest and stop him to make Temple people's
lives, miserable. I don't know what he gets from messing up with people's
personal matters. He will never leave any chance to do that. Stop him right
away. This will be a great favor to me.
Dear Students, I am worried about my Friends Dean, George and Lucy.
I wish if they could share with me, I might be able to help in some way. That
would be my pleasure but I don't want to put pressure on them.
Keep in mind that sharing problems of my Readers Family, makes my days
brighter. By the way I am not taking part in Canadian Elections. We discuss
community matters in our meetings. These Meetings are one of my routine
We have to divide our schedule into slots so that we can gather happiness
from all around. From Nature, from Community, from People around at
our work place, from our family, from our school mates. These are like
Faucets of happiness. Everything matters to make our day.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. Lots of customers in my shop even though it is Monday. I served banana smoothie and cherry smoothie. I was out of yogurt so was not able to serve yogurt smoothie
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in all notice boards in lobbies A, B, C and D
Can you also post the blog form the weekend?
I was getting the printouts ready. I should be able to post the weekend blog within the next hour or so.
I have now posted all the blogs. Also left some extra copies in some team rooms
SWS was fun. People were saying TGIM (Thank God Its Monday)
SWN was fun too. We talked about Smile's blog from the weekend and the power of her words
This blog is my lifeline.
My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome psychologist. She is an awesome writer. She is an awesome friend to readers family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I lost the race to post the blog in our corporate notice boards.
I was in early so was able to post the blog. There was a box of SDs there but no donut for poster today
And I posted the blog from the weekend
I sorry. I wait 50 min but no fresh donut. Baker say it holesale only. He give me donut from last night but I say it Smile Donut so need be best and fresh
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go sick job worker and say him. How you. He say I ok. I say you no sick any more. He say I only sick one day why you keep bringing it up. I say I only want check because my Madam give very good idea in blog today. He say yes but it for retiree. I say yes but her blog general and anyone can use idea. I then take blog out from pocket and show him but I think he sick because his voice loud and he face get alergy. I wanted to talk more but alergy get bad so I go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate your blog today. We were not expecting it so there were few retirees today. We made lots of calls and some more retirees came over. The retirees appreciated your advice. We plan to form a committee to review it. We were hoping to do it today but due to lack of presence of many retirees, decided to take up the matter in the Thursday meeting when we have a full quorum
The retired priest and the tenple spy committee members were not here today so we could not share your advice to them. The temple people were not here also so we didnt get a chance to communicate with them also. This is also planned for Thursday
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the SRC today. We were not expecting your blog today so there were a little bit less crowd today. The Dean and Prof George were not here again. We dont know what is going on
There were no scheduled faculty attendance today as we were not expecting the blog so the students tried to do the best in understanding your blog. We plan to do some more research over the next 2-3 days and also engage some of our professors for guidance
thank you
Literature Fellow
My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing trainer. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteFather say father no use. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah wake 60 mins before son and make brakfast for father but father only eet veggie omlette, yogurt smoothie, fresh oatmeel with cut froot and kaffee. Hannah say Hannah start wory becuase father can get niklas thin. Hannah say you please go slow because you kris act. Hannah say Hannah kris prey you. Me say father get hapy but father no talk. Father no eet. Father no walk. Father no watch tele. Father no do any. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Please Please Please. Someone heeeellllllllpp. I cannot take it. Smole did such a brilliant job and most of the readers, including us, celebrated but what did she get ...
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Very good comment
Hey Plunker. Remember Smile wants us to be kind. Also she told us that "this too shall pass".
ReplyDeleteVery brilliant comment mrizvi. Way to go