True Love Never Dies

It is Monday morning bright sunny still cold and windy with gust 70 km.
It is 16 C below zero right now. Last night was a big wind storm with rain
snow and gusts 120 km.
We were all set with our flash lights and candles but everything was fine.
We survived. It is over now, still cold, windy and snow everywhere. Anyway
it is 9.15, I am sitting in the Billiard room, writing my Blog.
Library will open at 9.30, I will go there to browse my favorite magazines,
"Birds and Blooms" and "Cottage Life". To me library looks like a
"Wonderland" with so much to look around, to absorb, to get
happiness, to meditate, to brush up your minds, body and heart.
It is 9.30, I am in the library, working in my office cubicle. I am working
part time today, no Carpet Bowling on Mondays, playing Darts only so
will go home any time after 12.
It is Wednesday another storm today. This time it is snow storm, the real
one, 20 cm of snow is on it's way, gusts 40 km it is 20 C below zero now.
It is 9.30, I am working in my office cubicle go to the next room for playing Darts.
Dear Readers, please don't feel low, it is not anyone's fault that I am
skipping to write my Blogs twice a week. I think once a week will be fine.
My Dear Priest in Ireland, I love all of you so don't ever feel that I am upset
with any of My Dear Readers.
I am still thinking about my Dear Friend Dean. I hope things getting better
for him. My advice for him, is not to get frustrated and keep trying to win his wife heart back. Be patient, patience is virtue, trust your heart, love
never dies. keep that in mind. Hang in there and never despair.
My Friends, please don't worry about me going to Mall, in wind and snow
storms. This is my life style. I don't like to get stuck at home and don't
want to be like Father, who needs two people to walk around.
We have to give space to everyone, to enjoy his own time. That works
to maintain and to flourish our relationships. We have to move around to
get busy and to stay away from negative thoughts. Try to do things on your
own, taking safety into account.
Life is a gift from God. Enjoy your time but please don't bother the family,
you live with. Everyone has right to enjoy his own time. I got perfume and
Georgette Stole from the Mall, as a gift from my side for my Daughter in
law's Mom. These things matter a lot to spread peace and happiness
around, in your family.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are talking about Smile's blogs. The priest was here all day and had tears in his eyes. When a customer asked him the reason he said that after all that I did, Smile still calls me "Dear". He said that he will pray for your health in the sermon tomorrow and also ask the rival councillor to not stop the readings. All customers are very pleased with this turn of events
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome library goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day.
I read blog in France. I no read every day but read on weekend for hole week.
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Me English no good. Russian good
DeleteThis good. I no Anglais but Spanish good
DeleteI like you blog in China. It very very good
DeleteYou blog good. I read Italy
DeleteYou will never find my daughter in law at the library. This is because she is stupid and I dont think she reads a lot, only watches her soaps
ReplyDeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Mr. Supervisor and say him how you. He say I ok, how can I help? I say I no want help, I come here to spread peace and happiness. He say what you mean, I say my Madam explain in blog. I then give him perfume and Georgette Stole. He say what is this? I say I get for you because I want to give you happiness. I think he like because he smile lot. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. Your clarification that it is not our fault which caused you to plan reduction in your writing frequency was very helpful. Thank you for writing that as it put our mind at ease.
The retirees have been going for walks and our walks are not as long as your walks however I have been asked to not waste your time by sharing unnecessary information. I was naive as I tried to clarify that it probably takes not more than 5 seconds of your time but the retired corporate executive reminded me that even a second of your time is extremely important and we should not be wasting it. Going forward, I will do my best to be brief with my comments.
The retired librarian led the reading of your blog today. He pointed out that it takes an author to appreciate the library. He pointed out that the way you have presented the library and ensured that it is viewed in the correct light, it will help bring more readers to the library. He thanked you for writing so gloriously about it
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. As usual there were a lot of people, but Mrs. Lucy made sure that they all get carrot dessert. Your recipe of carrot dessert is very popular here. The Dean was here today. He was looking very pleased. We heard him saying to Prof George that it is due to you. He said that he took your advice and went to his wife's parents home. He said that you have saved his marriage. Smile Army heard that and started yelling slogans. Prof George thought of asking them to calm down but the Dean said let them enjoy. He then led the way for throwing darts.
thank you
Literature Fellow
This blog is another new blog from Smile. So many fresh ideas!
Just enjoy the blog. Smile is a factory of ideas
Father say you yell father all time. Father say what father do. Father say father very act and go long walk in cool air. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say you blog kris good. Hannah say you kris act and niklas care air. Hannah say Hannah reed you blog like drip. Hannah say you please care you. Niklas say grandpapa do lot walk on driveway because temp +12C. Niklas say Niklas need stand on side of driveway and grandpapa keep call every 2 min to check Niklas no far. Niklas say Niklas say to grandpapa what point to walk driveway if grandpapa no want walk alone. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas and say grandpapa do what grandpapa want. Me yell Niklas because he talk father. Me cut Niklas fone. Niklas say he no do but me no beleeve. Father say no cut fone only but take crontoler to so he no play video. Niklas say if Niklas no play then he no do any hoover. Me yell him more. Niklas sad. Hannah sad. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!
ReplyDeleteOh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.
ReplyDeleteFantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though