Gold in my garden

 May be an image of apple






 November 12th 2024

It's 1.15, I am at Tim Hortons. It is a cold day at 4 C, single digit. In around mid November, what else do we expect? This is Canada my dear. It was a busy morning for me. My son had to leave with his wife to Pearson airport for a ten day trip.

I checked my table calendar for things to do. I realized that I had to change my bed sheets. Had to do laundry for that. I also had a small load of my clothes. I was busy with all that. Usually I go for walks at 11.30 or so. I wanted to see off my son and my daughter in law. Doesn't matter, I can go later for my walk.

Family has always to be a priority. No matter what. To be with your loved ones and doing things for them, gives you a sort of real happiness. These are rare moments. We can not get from doing things for our own self. You feel inner life peace out of that.

My grandkids are staying with me. They are not kids anymore I  know that. Two are working and the youngest one is in third year of Uni. They are still kids to me. Their parents are not here so I have to cook nice food for them. I made fried rice with meat in the morning before leaving for my walk. They will enjoy it. They like it.

I already chalked out the full menu. I made a list of mixed and matched chicken meat, pasta and rice everything, to give a variety look to the dishes. I put it on a spreadsheet for the twelve day period.

I am fine for the time their parents are back from the trip. It will be easy for me to manage with the help of this work sheet. I already put dates and days in the columns with dishes to make.

I think I will be all good. It is better to chalk out things beforehand. It helps you to take pressure away. It will be easier to manage. 

Give a thought before what you have to handle in the coming days. Don't have to wait for the moment for the things to be done. Plan before, what to do. It will be easy to manage.


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