Pick the Golden Moments to Cherish

It is Sunday beautiful morning sunny bright with 2 C below zero. This
was a busy week for me with full of events, full of joy. On Thursday,
I was at Manderine, enjoying lunch with my Senior Club members.
On Friday, my son was going to London, Ontario, two hours away, to
represent his company for some big international event. I opted to go
there, also invited my younger brother and his wife to accompany me.
My son was busy with his event, we three enjoyed our time together.
It is always good to be with the company of your choice. To enjoy,
to cherish and to save the golden moments, for your memory box.
Life is like a trail with bushes all around. Such moments are like flowers
of happiness, we have to pick, to collect, to make our life beautiful,
full of life. We were back from London around 2 am after midnight.
Construction was going on the Highway so all lanes were closed.
We were stuck there for an hour. This rarely happens here in Toronto. It
reminded me the Motorway traffic, I experienced couple of months back,
when I was visiting my daughters in England.
Saturday, my elder brother was coming with his family to have dinner at
my place. I made chicken curry and stir fried fish with tomatoes and onion.
They liked that, we enjoyed together, had good time.
This is Sunday, 10.45, I am getting ready to go for my walk. It is 11.15,
I am at Tim Horton, enjoying my coffee with half hot water and croissant,
busy writing my Blog and enjoying my time alone slot.
Coffee House is full with mixed crowd. Couple of families with kids. couple
of middle aged people with company, some sitting with computer, busy
with work. Some old faces like mine, quietly having coffee with whatever
company was available for them. I mean one sitting with, looks like her
daughter, the other with some friend.
At our age we don't have to go for making choices. Just pick what is
available and enjoy your moments in hand.Time flies, moments slipping
from our hands. Don't waste any time to pick and choose. Go with the flow,
try to keep it simple.
It is 12.30, I am done with my coffee and with writing my Blog. Time to
walk home now, to look around, to enjoy the scenic view. It is winter
time, total different scenario nowadays. Skeleton trees are quiet but look
confidant to face the real Canadian winter ahead.
I see couple of birds too, I think, busy with winding up their things,
getting ready to go to South of the border, to skip the snow storms.
No flowers around still lot of greenery is there, to give a touch of life.
I am home, will make chicken Shawarma for Master Golden and Slurpee
Boy. I mean for my grandsons. They will be happy to have their special
lunch. They like that. I will get happiness for myself too. What goes around
comes back.
Dear Retirees, I was sad after going through your comment. Why you
stopped your walk? Please start doing that again. I think, I was not able
to elaborate my message clearly in my Blog.
We have to keep pushing our body, to keep it mobile, not to get it be
staled and be lethargic. That keeps our mind active. When our mind is
active, positive thoughts keep showering so no room to think negative.
Our brain starts giving positive signals to our body to move into positive
direction, to take initiative, start doing things. We start feeling confidant,
full of energy.
When we are able to manage things, it means we are not pushing hard.
Our bodies need a push to get the engine started. I request all of you, my
Friends to continue your walk.
For Smile with Smile program, you mentioned about the visiting
professor was from Ontario, Canada. Ontario is a big province. I also
live there. On Friday, there was a big event in Western Uni. of London
My son was there, initially the schedule was very long, which was cut
down later on, may be because of that visiting professor. I am curious.
It is Tuesday, I don't go for my work on Tuesdays. It is 11.30, I am at
Tim Horton, enjoying my coffee, busy writing my Blog. In the morning
I was feeling dizzy, my head was spinning. I was cautious, doing my things
but slowed myself down. At this age we don't have to take any chances.
I was double minded to go for my walk but I decided to go for that.
I managed, I am happy that I pushed myself, to enjoy the beautiful
weather. It is 5 C, like summer for here in Toronto. I am all dressed
up in layers. My maroon sweater is underneath my black jacket, with
my gloves, I am fine, no worries.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. One out of town councillor also came said that how come you are reading blogs of an English author. Some local customers challenged him said that how do you know Smile is an English author to which the out of town councillor replied that just read her blogs, there is no way anyone can write such blogs who is not born, bred and schooled in the best school in England. Lots of local customers started raising slogans against him. Some of his supporters started raising nationalist slogans. The local councillor also came and was thinking of asking the police to come but the out of town councillor and his supporters left
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She has an awesome friend. She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline. My family wants to come to meet me. I keep telling them dont come because I dont want to meet anyone
I read blog in France.
ReplyDeleteYou blog good. Me English no good. Russian good
DeleteGood blog. You Italian fan
DeleteI like blog China
DeleteMy mother in law just sits watching tv. All she does is complain. I didnt do this. I didnt do that. Just give me a break
ReplyDeleteHappy Reader
Please stop writing for my disrespecting daughter in law. She reads your blog but like everything else, does everything upside down. I dont want to say anything but she is rude and immature
DeleteMother in law of the Happy Reader
Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Happy Worker come and say how you. I say I very anger. She say what hapen. I say my Madam son take my Madam to far place and leave her there. She say yes that no very smart of him. I say she come back at 2 am. That very late. How can she sleep? She say yes but may be she want go with him. I say and why he no take her to Tim Horton? It very cold and she need walk. Happy Worker say yes it almost 0C and very very cold.I say and she need go there so she can write blog and give advice to dear all. And she no phone because he take all money. Happy Worker say yes but how you know all this? I say what you mean? I read blog many time. Like I read morning, I read afternoon, I read when I have break, when I have tea, and when I sleep. I think she remember joke and go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor
ReplyDeleteThe retirees appreciate your blog today. The retirees were not planning to go for our walk but decided to pursue that. Our walk though very long, is nothing compared to the ones you take. The retirees then had our lollipop
The retired author led the reading of the blog and pointed out that you use symbolism to create vibe and to add colour to your stories. The retired author said that some authors try this but it is not something easy to do.
We got a surprise today as the hospital administrators also came along with the hotel chef, admin staff, ex patients as well as physicians, surgeons and other paramedic staff. They came to thank you for writing 2 recipes this week. They said both the recipes included vegetables ie beans on Wednesday and peas on Thursday. They pointed out that this is very helpful in the hospital environment. The retired chef was very pleased as well. He informed everyone that your recipes are very popular in the 5 star properties.The hijab lady and temple people then started chanting Ella homa. The retired priest again protested and said that the hoo haa should stop. The temple people explained that they do that to bless you and express appreciation for you. The restaurant manager didnt appreciate the noise and hooligan but didnt say anything.
The Smile with Smile committee members mentioned that they are not sure about the specifics of the visiting professor as they dont keep track of attendees due to the large crowds. The retired chief executive rebuked them however and since you have requested this information, we have formed a fact finding committee to establish the whereabouts of the professor. We will report on progress of the committee on a periodic basis
Thank you
Recent retiree
Dear Author
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog in the Smile Garden today. Even though it is exam time, there were quite a few people there. The Dean is busy these days due to the exam prep and getting ready for the next semester however he still came. He and prof George never misses any readings. Prof George is also going to be using your blogs for exams. He is the head of the department for english literature and has instructed all the profs to use your blogs as reference materials. He did that because your blogs include a lot of symbolism and also are very popular with all demographics
This is the time to pay the fees and you wont believe what some of the parents are doing. In one case, the parents brought this up twice ! The student was wondering if they will ask them to cut down on going out to clubs and cinemas? We know that the lucky guy and Master Golden dont have to go through that but for us, its a big deal
Thank you
Literature Fellow
Though we have been routinely reading your blog, we have been a little diffident to comment due to the inferiority of substance in our thoughts as compared to the abundance of the literary material that you generate. We however wanted to take a minute of your inestimable time today to express our solidarity with you as you provide counsel to your diverse global readership by encouraging them to astir. Of course you are a bundle of energy yourself, and your personal attributes are a source of inspiration for all.
ReplyDeleteWe are concerned, and to be honest, somewhat dejected, that the retired gentleman adorning the holy cloak and the zealous ethnic faith group however are confident that you will be able to bring them to listen to rational reasoning with your sagacity and your eloquence.
Your today's blog not only spoke to the hearts and minds of your readers but at the same time shared candidly, the techniques of your successful penmanship. It is very seldom that an author is so candid, yet you did that with utmost humility and civility
thank you for making our days brighter
Dave and Linda
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing friend. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteFather say father yell Kris because Kris no take father big event like you Kris. Father say father also yell Hannah because Hannah keep say that Hannah you doly but father laff and joke her because she not. Father say father yell Niklas because he no get father meal. Father say father tell Niklas that he need start date because he big and no girl but he say no/ Father yell him and tell Kris cut phone.. Father say father no say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say father a litle upse today. Hannah say it ok because when people get old they grumpy and no like you. Hannah say father sometime make partner with nabor and make joke Hannah that Hannah no you doly. Hannah say you please no wory Hannah but wory you. Hannah say Hannah kris scare that you go walk cool air. Hannah say you please care you because it very slip. Niklas say grandpapa yell Niklas and say that Niklas need find girl friend and bier but Niklas no do because you say no. Niklas say grandpapa want meal and say you Niklas get meal. Niklas say Niklas take grandpapa Donal and get him meel. Niklas say Niklas no lot euro so Niklas no get meal. Niklas say Niklas want get one chips from grandpapa but grandpapa get anger and say why take chip from grandpapa. Father yell me and say me that me need take father like you Kris but me no able. Father say me that Niklas do lot talk. Niklas say no do. Father say do. Me take Niklas fone. Niklas sad. Hannah tire. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
We are finding your blogs of immense value and interest. In your blog today, you pointed out that giving up is not an option. Despite very cold weather, with your maroon jumper, you chose to pursue your goal and achieved your objective of reaching your target destination. We are trying our best to keep up with you. We have also hired 2 co-ops to help classify these blogs. These co-ops are post-graduate students
ReplyDeletethank you
Keith Walker
Well well well. Here we go again. Another day, same thing. I wish Smile has not asked us to be so civil.
ReplyDeleteThanks mrizvi. Fantastic comment
Caaaaalllmmmmm down Plunker. Yes Smile has asked us to be nice, so be considerate
ReplyDeleteGreat comment mrizvi. Good job