Moments slipping from our hands

Image result for backyard garden with flowers pictures

It is Saturday sunny bright cold morning with 3 C. Last night I could 
not sleep well. When we are getting old, things happen my Dear. Nothing
 to worry about. I sleep well or not, I usually get up early in the morning.

It is 10 am, I am done with breakfast and with two loads of my laundry. 
Sitting now in my TV lounge, busy with Scrabble and Sudoku books 
also enjoying the scenic view of my back garden.

Winter is just around the corner but grass is still green. Pear tree
on the left corner of my garden, looks happy with fruits all around.
Black Squirrel not here, may be still in bed.

My sleep was not good last night so my body, still not fully awake. 
I have to push myself to go for my walk. It is cold 2 C. I will dress up
in layers. I will be fine. 

I am walking by the Whites Road. Birds are all around, having chit chat,
may be making plans to go to South. They know the real Canadian winter 
is not far. They have to get their paper work done to cross the border.

It is 10.55, I am at Tim Horton, enjoying coffee and my time alone slot. 
I am happy, decided to get out. Take charge of your body. Body will take 
care of your mind, to push it into positive direction. To think positive.

Dear "N", I love you. Here are couple of "To Do Things". 

1 : Get some flower pots of your choice. Water the plants
     it will make you happy.

2 : Feed the birds in your Garden / Balcony.

3 : Enjoy cup of Tea / Coffee, sitting in the 
favorite corner of your house.

Start doing these things. Have patience, trust me you will 
get happiness after a while. I love you my Friend.

It is Sunday morning sunny bright.. Chances of rain in the 
afternoon. I am done with breakfast, already watched National 
Geographic documentary about ancient Egypt. Now time to go 
for my walk.

It is 30% chances of rain so better to take my maroon umbrella. 
I am walking by the Whites Road. I can hear birds from tree tops. 
Yellow Dandelion looks like gold scattered around.

Red berries and the purple flowers. Colors started changing from 
olive green to gold, copper and ruby. Scarlet red in between, looks like 
Nature's wonder. God is great, keeps providing we Humans, so many 
wonders to enjoy, to explore. 

Life is great, no doubt. Just try to be in the moment and look around. 
Don't waste your precious moments to mess up people's personal 
lives. Focus on your own self. Make your day better than the last one.

Dear Readers in Ireland, please don't give hard time to my Friend 
the Priest. My message was for the Retired Priest, not for him. 
Dear Retirees please ask the Retired Priest, not to be nosy and 
not to waste his time for other people's Religions, customs 
and traditions.

Everyone has right to connect to God, in his own way. 
What way they choose, is none of anyone else's business. 

Kris Dear, stop Father from his so called project. Kids are safe 
with their family. Trust me. Leave them alone.

Dear Reader doing 2 jobs, the Wicked Worker tricked you again. 
You don't have to spend money. I am your friend, no matter what. 

It is 12.30, I am at Tim Horton, done with my coffee and enjoyed 
my time alone slot. Now time to walk home. By the way my son took 
me to my eye doctor's office, also waited in the lounge for me. 

I mentioned in my earlier Blog too that we have to focus on our 
own self. Not to interfere with other people's personal matters. 
Life is a gift. Don't waste it, discussing other people's personal lives.

It is just waste of your special moments, which are slipping from our 
hands. The moments, gone, will never be back so value every moment 
in your life. Look around to enjoy the beauty scattered around.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are talking about Smile's blogs. Priest is here too. He is happy that you clarified that your comments are not for him. He was pointing this out to everyone and the customers were getting annoyed. One customer said that we all read the blog so there is no point for him to let us know. It is like a festival here

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline. You just wrote 3-4 lines for me. I dont know what to do. I dont live in house, I live in home. My kids dont call me. They only call me 1 time every day and come visit me 1 time on weekend. I get depressed when they come so I dont meet them and go out of my room

  4. I read blog in France. I no read every day but read on weekend for hole week.

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good

    3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    4. You blog good. I read Italy

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say how you. I say I no want talk you because you bad. She say what hapen you no like the cake I get for you? I say no I no want talk because you trick me all time. Wicked worker say but who tell you that. This no good thing to say. I say her my Madam teach me all thing. Wicked worker say that good. Do you want give party to all? I say why? She say because you Madam say she your friend. I say yes good idea but may be I do small party because I no money. Wicked worker say yes you right money more important than Madam. I say NEVER and say I will go to bank and take loan. Wicked worker say you can take cake that I bring to party. I say that good idea but how you know what Madam say because I no tell you blog. Job worker 2 say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees were very appreciative of your blog. We were very surprised that you chose to walk to Tim Hortons even though you did not get a good night sleep. Some retirees also noted that you did your laundry yourself. The retirees never go anywhere when we have not had a good night's rest. The retirees are also upset with your son because he does not take good care of you. We were very surprised that he didnt drop you off at Tim Hortons and didnt do laundry for you. Some retirees wanted to have a resolution but others pointed out that he is simply too dense and bone headed for this to have any impact

    The retired priest was here and listened to the blog with his head bowed. We asked him to stop being nosy to which he replied that he is only doing all this to protect the kids. One retiree ran into the hijab lady coming out of a community meat shop . The hijab lady was surprised that we are concerned about the kids. The hijab lady said that the kids are ok and the temple people take the kids to these events because they want to instill the spirit of sacrifice into them also. She said that they have community gatherings every day but she will come to the reading along with a priest so she can talk to all of us about their leader. The retiree clarified that we are not interested in religion but the hijab lady insisted and said that their leader belongs to everyone and not to one religion only.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Platform. The Smile Platform is situated at the center of the Smile Garden. Many students were very upset with your son . The Smile Army raised slogans against him. The Dean was here but didnt stop anyone. He was heard saying to Prof George that she is such a big author but she has to do her own laundry and has to walk to coffee shops despite not having a proper rest. Prof George pointed out that some of the language that you have used is classic literature. The Dean smiled. He is a man of few words and does not say many things.

    The students are very upset with their parents. Some of us are being forced by our parents to come back home during holidays but we dont want to even go on weekends. The parents dont realize that we have to relax and we dont get the peace of mind when we go back home. We know that the lucky guy does not have to go through all this but for many of us, its a big problem

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. a different topic every time. This is great

    cool Kyle

    1. Why do you continue to be surprised? Smile always right something fresh every day

      newbie (not any more)

  9. Father say father yell Kris because father no want Kris to become like you Kris. Father say you Kris very bad and no care. Father say father injoy project lot because Hannah make lot party. Father say father no Niklas and father no that Hannah do party so father get distract. Father say father no care about kid but father want use the idea to get party. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kris tire because Hannah need to party all day. Hannah say Hannah do party because Hannah want distract father. Hannah say father keep remember project and keep say that father want save niklases but Hannah no that you say Niklases safe. Hannah say Hannah kris wory you because you niklas slip and kris act. Hannah say you please care you. Me say father no wory about kids but father say father no wory but use idea to get party. Me say it very tire for Hannah but father say just injoy. Me say what if Hannah get sick. Father say no wory now. Me say it rong but father say it right. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  10. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  11. My mother in law loves your blog but does not learn anything from you. You are the best mother in law in the world. You are completely independent and helps your daughter in law also. My mother in law does nothing but bothers me

    Happy Reader

  12. Same old stuff. I was hoping that it will be a good day but perhaps I was asking for too much. After all, why should it be any different? I know, I know...

    Great job mrizvi. Your comment is right on.

  13. Dont worry about it Plunker. You know that kids consider everything to be fun these days. I guess it is the new era. No wonder we have interesting elections in the world these days. And yes, we must be kind

    Brilliant comment mrizvi. Hope you are reading your assignments before completing them kiddo

  14. We would like to submit our sincere apologies to yourself for our tardiness in providing commentary to your literary masterpieces. We have of course been avidly and regularly reading them, however our lives have been temporarily occupied due to hosting of art exhibitions. As has been the case for the past couple of years, we have been humbled to be chosen to speak a few words in the commencement ceremony. As always, we have taken the opportunity to share extracts from your wonderful folksy masterpieces. We hope you will forgive us for not seeking permission. We know that you are as generous with your literature as you are with your time for your global readership, We also noted that you even asked the readership to not comment on your boundless generosity to your scion.

    It will be ingenious of us to not express our gratitude to you for helping us sloths to not be more active in our day to day life. Your regular walks along Whites road that you so vividly portray have encouraged us to do that. We still have challenges to fathom your active lifestyle. We say that as we have tried to follow your lead and oftentimes have found it very challenging to follow suit.

    You are perhaps engrossed in the Canadian federal politics either as a candidate or a strategist, and would like to wish you success.

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda


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