Open Letter from Grimsby

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Saturday July 6th, mixed sunny, cloudy morning with 19 C. I have to go 
to a Birthday party at my daughter's friend place at 3 pm. It was good, 
I enjoyed. I gave pearl bracelet to the girl and silk Stole to her Mom. 
We have to take anything as a gift when we visit someone place.

Sunday July 7th, 15 C, today we have to go to a BBQ Birthday party 
at 2 pm. He is a boy, I will give cash to him. It is a small community. 
Everyone knows me as I come here every year. 

It is 8 am, everyone sleeping. I am making my breakfast, oatmeal porridge,
stir fried egg and half cup of tea. The small round wooden table and three 
sleek wooden chairs are by the big glass panel, at the left side in the 

I am sitting here and enjoying the view of the beautiful back garden. 
Pink Roses with special fragrance, the White Daisies, the Red Hydrangea, 
all giving me smile. I opened the kitchen door to feel the Aura. 

I can see the White Butterfly talking to White Daisies. I think she came all 
the way from Toronto to see me. She started smiling, when I opened the 
door. I am happy to see her too. Happiness travels both ways.

It is July 8th, 18 C, today is my daughter's birthday. I planned to give her
treat, to go to have breakfast at some nice place but our youngest one
not feeling well so we skipped. Do it next time on some other day.

Dear Retirees, you people were asking about how I am coping with our 
grand kids. Trust and love are the key factors in all relationships. When 
we have trust that our interests will be taken care of, everything works well.

We never have to take advantage of anyone, same is with our grand kids. 
It ruins relationships. My eldest one here, is working. He got me winter 
Designer jacket from his first pay cheque. 

I used to bring gifts for them but now I give cash to everyone. Teenagers 
like to buy their own things. I give twenty pound each. We have to make 
sure not to favor anyone. It hurts others.

My days are passing around my grand kids to drop and pick them up with
my daughters. Going for their swimming and doing groceries. I am happy 
this all gives me time to spend with my daughter.

It is 9th July 15 C, cloudy morning, after dropping kids to school and
work, I went to Premier Inn, to give birthday treat to my daughter. 
One Continental and one full breakfast, cost me total seventeen pound.
We had pictures and good time.

July 10th, 17 C, cloudy morning with drizzle. Every day after our school 
run, dropping kids to school and work, me and my daughter try to sneak 
to enjoy our own time. We went to Cleetorpes. It is seaside, tourist spot. 
We walked around the beach, had pictures.

July 11th, 16 C. Today my daughter's friend arranged Brunch for me. 
I got chocolates to take to her place. It is nice to give something in return, 
to acknowledge the goodwill gesture.

Friday 12th July, my daughter organized dinner party for her husband's 
birthday. She invited four families, managed to cook couple of dishes, some 
dishes, she got from outside. It was nice, everyone enjoyed. 

Small towns are quiet, people do such activities to get busy and enjoy. 
It is good to be connected. We Humans are social animals and belong 
to the same Human Family.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They are talking about Smile's blog. The new councillor is here and brought the Morning Smile. The old councillor is here also, the priest is not happy with that and said that he must be upto something but he said that the old councillor said that he is only here to know read about Smile's travelling. The priest didnt seem to believe that. The out of town customers have brought their families too as they are enjoying Smile's blog. Its good for my business also and good for the town also because its increasing tourism

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome party goer! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline. I read it every day.


  4. I read blog in France. I no read every day but read on weekend for hole week.

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good

    3. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    4. You blog good. I read Italy

  5. We were reading your old blogs yesterday and this one was about setting targets. Turns out my mother in law knows all about setting targets for the day. Her targets are to bother me, back bite about me, scorn me, curse me and watch TV for hours

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go happy worker and say how you. She say I ok but why you bring chocolate. I say her I supose bring gift for everyone. She say what you mean? I say my Madam explain that we need to give gift when we go to any place. So I bring gift for everyone. Happy Worker say thank but thats not what Madam mean. I say you wrong because I no supose give cash to you because you no teenage, I bring chocolate for you because you like eat lot. I think Happy Worker like lot because she just go away fast.I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees appreciate your blog today The retirees specially appreciate your advice about gift giving and about grand children. The retirees dont give gifts as we are on a very limited budget. We dont understand how you can afford so expensive gifts. The retirees also noticed that your grandson gave you a very expensive gift. The retirees passed a motion to commend this act. Some retirees also wanted to add an addedum to the motion to condemn the activities of your son but since you have asked us to not condemn him. The retirees then changed the motion to commend your big heartiness and kindness that you are even kind to him despite all his antics.

    The Smile with Smile subcommittee is revamping their collateral during the university and school summer break. They are planning to expand their outreach and scope to include kids from 10 years to 30 years. If you can please provide some additional advice to deal with this age group. To clarify, they are expanding this as there has been a lot of demand for that from parents as well as young adults themselves. You being an expert and a favourite with this age group, it will be highly appreciative if you can provide your thoughts

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Platform today. After the reading, Prof George and Dean appeared to be talking about the blog. They were heard saying that its good that your daughters are taking good care of you and you are having a relaxing vacation. The Smile Army heard that and started clapping in support of your daughters. Mrs. Lucy then invited everyone to try the veggie fried rice. She cooked it based on your recipe.

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  10. This blog is different. Last week it was about something else and today about other items


    1. Just enjoy the blog. Smile is a factory of ideas


  11. Father say you give father good idea. Father say father also plan party like you do. Father say father only invite litle family . Father say father like you idea about gift and yell Kris, Niklas and Hannah that they no give gift father. Father also yell nabor because he listen blog but not give gift. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah kris tire because kris to do. Hannah say kris party and 12 family come yesterday and niklas party and only 7 family come today. Hannah say Hannah kris hapy that you injoy. Hannah say Hannah kris pray you all time because you take niklas rest. Hannah say you please care you. Father yell me and say me no gift. Me then get new tele for father. Me yell Niklas because he no give any to father so Niklas get meel for father. Me say Hannah she need do party but she say she tire so me only invite litle family like 7 family and father friend from comunity. Hannah tire, Niklas tire, Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  12. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

    Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

  13. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

    Fantastic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though


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