I am in Pickering Mall, to Make my day

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I Wish All
My Dear Readers
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Very Happy New Year 

It is bright beautiful sunny Friday morning with 5 C below zero.
I usually work full time on Fridays but today there is some renovation
work is going on in my library so no Darts, no Bowling for me. I have 
my day plan to pass my day.

My son is working from home so in the morning, I enjoyed breakfast 
with him. After that my youngest daughter called me from Reading, 
England. Her school is closed so she is planning to go to Grimsby, to 
her sister's place for couple of days.

Grimsby is five hours drive from Reading but in England, you can't 
predict the drive time. It all depends on Motorway. Sometimes you are 
stuck there for hours. 

My middle daughter also called me from Grimsby. We use to talk every 
day to connect. She is five hours ahead of our time in Toronto. Day is 
nearly done for her in England. 

It is 11.45, I am getting ready for my walk. My son wanted me to drive 
but I preferred to walk. My back is better but still not 100%. It will 
take time.We have to push ourselves. 

What we don't use, we lose, same is with our body parts. It is cold and 
windy but I am dressed up in layers. I have my winter coat and gloves on, 
still I am freezing. It is 12.15, I am at Tim Horton, enjoying my coffee, my 
time alone slot and busy writing my Blog.

Coffee House is full with students from the nearby Dunbarton High School.
They are enjoying their time with the company of their choice. Some old 
faces like mine are also here with whatever company they can have. 

At our age, I think, we don't have to waste our time in pick and choose. 
Just go with the flow, try to accommodate with whatever is available. 
It is 2 pm, my eldest grandson is coming to pick me up. 

It is Monday sunny bright beautiful morning. Yesterday was very cold

11 C below zero, today much better still cold. What you expect, this is 
Canada and it is December so no complaints.

Take it whatever is there and enjoy your moments. Time flies my Dear.
Moments are slipping from our hands so value every moment, to enjoy. 
Life is a gift from God. Don't waste it, try to be happy and spread 
happiness around.

Today I am working part time, playing Darts, no Bowling on Mondays.
It is 12.30, I am home. My eldest grandson is here. He has couple of weeks
off from his Uni. I will make banana shake and scrambled eggs, for his

It is 2 pm, I am now with my computer, going through my Facebook 
messages. Not many to check. Just one from my childhood friend, from 
Perth. She writes to me every day, to keep connected.

Two of my daughters write Facebook messages. My second youngest 
daughter, lives in Kent, England, and my eldest one, lives in Edmonton, 
Canada, they both use to make calls. 

It is 3.30, my grandson going to his friend's place, he will drive me to the 
Pickering Mall, my son will pick me up at 5.30, while coming back from his 
work. I will walk around and enjoy my time.

It is 3.45, I am at the Mall, went to Shoppers Drug Mart, to get my hair 
shampoo, it was on sale, 600 ml for $ 6.99. I went to Dollarama, my favorite 
store, got pack of eight gift cards for $ 1. 25, also got my gloves and one nice 
multicolored, striped stole.

I also got one bottle of Mountain Dew for my youngest grandson, to make 
him happy. It is 5.15, I am sitting in the Food Court, enjoying my coffee with
half hot water and oatmeal raisin biscuit, writing my Blog. I also got one 
10 dollar gift card for one of my friend.

Dear "N", I can understand. You are thinking just like my sister. She called 
my youngest daughter, asked her to stop me from my trip to Chicago. She 
didn't want to see anyone but when I was there, she had great time with me. 

She was very thankful that I came to see her at the Retirement Home.
Believe me you will have good time. Be with your family, you will enjoy.
I have to go, my son is here to pick me up. Talk to you later. Have a great 
day all of you my Friends.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. The priest is also here today. He is making notes as he is getting ready for the Christmas day mass. Councillor has his supporters are saying that we should wish Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays because you have wished Happy Holidays also but the priest is insisting that we should each continue to only wish Merry Christmas. The out of town councillor said that these are the types of things British are good at. He said that by using beautiful, folksy words, these Oxford educated Britishers know how to create divisions. Our Councillor said that all Smile is doing is addressing the different groups as her readership is global. On behalf of myself and my family, please accept Merry Christmas

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome Tim Horton's goer. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!

    Happy Holidays awesome Smile!


  3. Thank you for writing for me. I am not like your sister. I live in home and dont want to talk to anyone. I told my family that if they come during Christmas, I will go out of the room


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good. Christmas no in China.

    1. Merry Christmas from my family in France

    2. I read blog Russia. I read family. Happy Holidays

    3. Happy Holidays

      This blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.

  5. It is our weekly annual routine for some time now that we light up the Christmas tree and gather with friends and family to spend the evening. Your blogs were the centerpiece of this custom. They provided us with immense opportunity to discuss significant social issues as well as novel notions. Now that the festive season is upon us, we conducted our annual tree lighting ceremony recently and used your blog "Faucets of Happiness" as the centerpiece. Of course, we are guilty of over indulgence, so we didnt stop at one blog, but read a few others of yours. It greatly enhanced the joyous festivities of the season. We know that time is at a premium for you, so we dont want to take too much of it but if you can spare us a few, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for providing us warmth and good humor during these wintry days. We plan to continue this custom. In the interim, we will like to wish and yours, a very safe and joyous season.

    Thank you for making our days brighter
    Dave and Linda

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Happy worker come and say me merry Christmas. I say I no want say Merry Christmas. She say what hapen.. I say I no celebrate because her only son no take care her and she need walk snow all time. Happy worker say yes I know that sad. I say but how you know because I no tell you blog. She say she need go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees did not go for our walk today as we were too tired from our walk yesterday. Some of the retirees have cramps. Our walk, though very long, is nothing compared to the walks that you have. The retirees instead went to the joint reading of your blog.

    The retiree appreciate your blog today. The retirees will read one of your old blog to celebrate our Christmas. The retirees were also saddened to see that despite being an international author with a global following, you needed to walk in cold weather despite suffering from a bad back. We know that you take this in a stride and do not say anything bad about your son despite all his short comings.. As you have asked us not to talk about him, we bit our tongue and didnt say anything about his callous indifference to your well being.

    Many retirees are having a very hard time with their in law kids. They dont talk to us politely, if at all. The retired psychologist pointed out that this could be weather related but the retired sociologist said that this is a bigger phenomena. We know that you probably are busy with Christmas festivities, but when you get a few minutes, if you can please comment as to the best way to deal with that as teh committee for joint family living does not what to do

    The retired priest was here and was wishing everyone merry Christmas. The retired corporate chief Executive reminded him that you have also wished everyone Happy Holidays so we should follow your lead. The retired priest said that you are a decent Christian lady and you likely celebrate Christmas with the traditional way ie fish on Christmas eve.

    On behalf of myself and all the retirees, please accept our heartiest wishes for a very Merry Christmas

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. This blog is very interesting read. A new blog every week!

    Happy Holidays Smile


    1. Yes why are you surprised Kyle. Smile never recycles her material.

      Happy Holidays to you and Happy Holidays to Smile

  9. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!

    PS Happy Holidays Smile

  10. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. Yes SMILE GARDEN ! Many students decided to delay going home because we didnt want to miss the reading. Some are going to come back early also. Mrs. Lucy brought carrot dessert based on your recipe so everyone can partake in the festivities but after listening to your blog, she said why are we even celebraring when Smile has to walk in sub zero, freezing weather while her son is probably sitting on a sofa or lazy boy or something like that.The Smile Army had a Christmas tree decorated in the Smile Garden but after listening to your blog, they dumped it. Prof George tried to explain to them that you are not saying dont celebrate Christmas but they were not listening. The Dean then said "guys" and immediately there was pin drop silence as the Dean command tremendous respects here. One of the new professor said to the Dean that you command a lot of respect, to which the Dean responded that Smile commands 99% more respect than any of us here. He then said that it is sad that she has to walk in the snow but alas we must put up the brave face after all she is wishing us Merry Christmas. We then went to play darts

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  11. Father say why you say say Hapy Holiday because we all need say Mery Kristmas. Father say father yell Niklas because he say Hapy Holiday to his friend. Father say father plan get Niklas hook with girl because he like litle baby and no drink bier and no smoke to. Father say father say you MERY KRISMAS. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say you good idea that we need say Hapy Holiday also and not only say Mery Krismas because it respect all. Hannah say Hannah kris wory you because you niklas care you and very act and walk rain and walk snow and walk all time. Hannah say you please care you. Niklas say grandpapa wake Niklas with cool water and some water become ice. Niklas say when Niklas complain then grandpapa say that grandpapa like climate and no want waste water.Grandpapa say if water very cool then grandpapa only need small amount water. Niklas say but cool water hurt but grandpapa say Niklas talk and take fone. Niklas say all yell Niklas because he say Hapy Holiday like you do. Father say me that Niklas keep talk . Me say Niklas why he talk but Niklas say he no talk. Me say Niklas he need say sory but Niklas say Niklas no do any bad. Me yell him because he talk again. He say he no do. Father say do. Me confuse. Me no no what do )

    Kris (Germany)

  12. I read this blog on my return flight from an overseas meeting with our team in Asia. The blog is right on in ensuring that all corners of the world are respected and acknowledged. I think you are doing a great job in educating the readers and creating a festive spirit which is global and inclusive of everyone. Not many authors would have taken this risk as other authors would have probably taken a safer more traditional approach.

    Happy Holidays to you too

    Keith Walker

  13. My mother in law needs to spend some time with you. She expects that I say hello to her every morning and check with her what to cook. I mean who does that.

    Happy Reader

  14. Smile is so awesome. Look at the inspiration that she provides, these words need to be framed and put at home, offices and everywhere

    "we don't have to waste our time in pick and choose.
    Just go with the flow, try to accommodate with whatever is available."

    Brilliant !!

    Happy Holidays Smile

  15. Oh Come ON! What is this ! No Merry Christmas. No Happy Holidays? What the hell !!

    Merry Christmas Smile !

  16. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down. Kids today are not interested in courtesies. And thats sad !

    Happy Holidays Smile


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