I am in Canada -- Good Bye England

Image result for toronto downtown pictures

18th August -- It is 12.15, I am sitting on seat # 32 H with my seat belt on.
It is Air Canada flight # 825, time to fly to Toronto and to say Good Bye to 
England and to all the beautiful moments, I spent with my daughters, in 
Rochester, Grimsby and in Reading.

I checked in my suitcase. My computer is packed in my carry on trolley
I also have to carry my baggage of memories with me. It is too precious 
to pack in the luggage. I have to put that at somewhere safe enough. 
I think my Memory Box will be fine for that. 

My youngest daughter and her husband, were at Heathrow Airport, to
see me off. It is seven plus hours flight. I will be home at around 4 pm 
Toronto time. In England it will be 9 pm. Door to door will be fourteen 
hours. I enjoyed my trip to my Daughters land. No complains.

19th August -- My eldest daughter is coming to see me from Edmonton. 
I will meet all my four daughters this summer. Lucky me. Thank You 
God. Love You.

August 22nd -- England is now history. I am in Pickering. Sunny bright 
beautiful day with 24 C. My daughter from Edmonton is here for one 
more week. I am enjoying my time with her.

I am at Pickering Town Centre, sitting in Food Court area, enjoying 
Tim Horton's small coffee with half hot water, two creams, one sugar
and oatmeal raisin cookie. My daughter is busy with her shopping.

Master Golden, I mean my grandson, the middle one, will pick us up after 
about an hour. I think that is enough to enjoy my time alone slot. I am 
happy. Take it whatever is there to enjoy your moments in hand.

August 24th --  It is Sunday 23 C, bright sunny day. This will be the last 
weekend for me with my daughter. My son knows that. He keeps track 
so that I can enjoy these moments.

It is 1.15, I am walking by the lake. Beautiful scenic view. Lake is divided 
into two portions. One is the main body of water, giving all the shades of 
Green. Dark Blackish green, Olive and Sea green. 

Other one is the smaller part of lake, where water giving colors of Grey, 
Blue black, Crystal blue and sparkling Silver. Ducks are here with their 
Kids, ready to take a tour of the beautiful lake. 

August 27th -- My Eldest grandson, the Lucky Guy leaving today for his 
Uni to London Ontario. His room will be vacated, My youngest grandson, 
the Slurpee Boy will be the new Tenant now. 

Things change so quickly. Value the moments in hand. Kids fly away 
leaving their Nests empty. Don't be hard to them, try to understand and 
share their moments. Moments slipping from our hands, will never come 
back. We have to keep that in mind.

August 29th -- It is 6.15 in the evening beautiful weather, 23 C. I am walking
on my Driveway, waiting for my son. He planned to go to Frenchmen's Bay,
the lakeside. 

By the time he will be getting ready to get out, I am enjoying the scenery 
around. Magnolia tree is on my front. Red wooden bench is shining, at the 
corner on my left. Twin Towers, I mean the two tall trees on my neighbor's 
front garden, looking great.

Black Squirrel is playing on the lush green grass of my garden. Beautiful. 
My son is here with his wife and his sister, I mean with my daughter and 
daughter in law, all ready to go to the lake. I have to go, talk to you later.

Dear Friends in Ireland. I am worried about Smile Corner. This is the 
place, where you people gather for my Blog Reading Sessions. Please 
support it's business. Don't you people have to worry about my trip. 
I fully enjoyed my Holidays.

Dear Retirees, I request my Temple Friends, not to bring any outside 
food. This is not fair to my Friend the Cafe Manager. Please ask the Retired 
Priest to stay away from other people's personal affairs.

Dear Students, ask my smile Army Friends to be patient. I am still 
worried about my Friends Dean and George. Please keep me posted. 
Thank you.

Dear Kris, please don't bother my Friends Hannah and Niklas. Let them 
enjoy their time. They will be back, after all this is their home. You have 
to take care of your entire family, not only Father.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This is market day but customers are coming to my shop in waves. They come here to read the blog first before going to the market. We have lots of people from out of town who come to read blog and then do shopping. They have stopped selling things but they are not buying anything from me because they are saying that I need to apologize. I said that I did that but they dont believe me. I dont know what to do because my rent is due and I am out of money. I asked the priest for help but he said that its between me and Smile. I said what will happen if Smile Corner closes because he will not get material for his sermons since he gets material from blogs. The priest said dont worry. There can be readings at the city hall also. I am not sure what to do. Can you help

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome councillor. She is an awesome author. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. Thank you for being the lifeline for me


  4. I read blog in France. You grandson smart.

    1. You blog good. Me English no good. Russian good. Grand good. Son bad

    2. This good. I no Anglais but Spanish good.

    3. I like you blog in China. You grand good to. It very very good

    4. You blog good and grandson smart. I read Italy

  5. I read your blog often but this is my first comment. I am a teacher and amazed by your grandson's mature thinking. I learned about that in one of the Smile with Smile program that I participated in

    Thank you for writing every day


  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Happy Worker and say her how you. She say I ok but busy. I say I very happy and very afraid. I happy because my Madam daughter gave her lot things like very expensive memory box which my Madam no want pack in luggage but I afraid that my Madam son will make her return it. She laugh and say Smile mean that her daughter gave good memories and you no need fear because her son can take lot things but cannot take memories. I say NO, Madam talk about Memory Box in blog. I then take blog out from my pocket and show her. I think she head hurt because she no say anything but go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    We read your blog with a lot of reassurance and contentedness. We were pleased that your trip to your home country, England, went very well. You got a chance to meet your daughter, your extended family ie your nephews, brother, cousins etc as well as your friends from Oxford. We also noted with a lot of concern and dismay that your son is upto his old tricks and kept you waiting outside your home as you pace the driveway. Many retirees were very upset with his antics. We were hoping that he would have learned somewhat but alas we were wrong

    The retirees are surprised that you did not take any down time and rest after your long trip. The retirees dont travel and when we do, we then stay at home for at least 2-3 weeks. We need this time to rest and recuperate

    The temple people were here today. They did bring food, for example cookies etc with them but after listening to your blog they didnt take it out from the plastic bag that they were carrying it in. They did buy one plate of the rice dessert that the cafe was serving and asked for 4 spoons. They shared this between themselves. This is the same dessert for which you had the recipe. The cafe manager always makes the recipe that you write and offers it a discount. The retired priest was not here today so we were not able to communicate the message directly.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog today at the Smile Platform. The Dean and Prof George came today but left immediately after the reading was completed. We dont know what is going on as they dont talk at all during the reading but stand up with eyes lowered and head bowed. They also dont like if anyone speaks during the reading. As soon as the reading was done, they thanked everyone for their presence but said that they need to take care of some urgent business and left. The Dean did ask us to thank you for your concern. Prof George mentioned to the Smile Army volunteers that an author of your stature does not typically worry about her readers and they should consider this as a special privilege and try to be a model volunteer. We dont know why he said that because the idiots dont need to be reminded of this. They immediately started raising slogans for you and we didnt even get a chance to ask Prof George whats going on. Mrs. Lucy was here too but she also left with them. Of course, she did bring the carrot dessert for everyone that she always does

    The students are returning back to uni and some of us are having a very hard time with our parents. They drive us back and during the long car ride, some students mentioned that they give long lectures like 5-10 mins. We cant really do anything because we are trapped. We tend to leave from home around 5 or 6 pm as there is no need to rush but some parents dont like that. Of course they dont say anything because they understand that we are at home to relax but even the faces they make spoil our day. We know that the lucky guy does not has to go through this as you are there to protect him

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!!

  10. Father say why you no tell Hannah that Hannah back. Father say father lot problem because Hannah no here give brakfast and give food father. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah want thank you doter that she care you. Hannah say Hannah very wory you. Hannah say you niklas rest and kris act. Hannah say Hannah no want stay parent home all time because Niklas need go skool but Hannah tell all that Hannah go when you say go. Me say Hannah come back but she say she no come until you say come. Me and father eeet out because father no like frige food. Eet out all time very expense. Hannah relax. Niklas relax. Father anger. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Another fresh new blog today. How does Smile do it!

    cool Kyle

    1. Of course its a new blog. Smile never recycles the blogs!


  12. Replies
    1. Same old. Same crazy talk. I was hoping that it will be a good day today. Perhaps was asking for too much. After all, why should it be any different? I know, I know...

      Great job mrizvi. Your comment is right on.

    2. Dont worry about it Plunker. You know that kids consider everything to be fun these days. I guess it is the new era. No wonder we have interesting elections in the world these days. And yes, we must be kind

      Brilliant comment mrizvi. Hope you are reading your assignments before completing them kiddo

  13. Smile is a philosopher, a traveller, an artist and a lot of things. Dont believe me? Well. Here is the proof

    "Things change so quickly. Value the moments in hand. Kids fly away
    leaving their Nests empty. Don't be hard to them, try to understand and
    share their moments. Moments slipping from our hands, will never come
    back. We have to keep that in mind."

    " It is seven plus hours flight. I will be home at around 4 pm
    Toronto time. In England it will be 9 pm. Door to door will be fourteen
    hours. I enjoyed my trip to my Daughters land. No complains."

    "Other one is the smaller part of lake, where water giving colors of Grey,
    Blue black, Crystal blue and sparkling Silver. Ducks are here with their
    Kids, ready to take a tour of the beautiful lake. "

    Brilliant !!


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