From Grimsby To Rochester To Finchley

July 1st -- very busy days for me, going with my daughter to drop her
son to work at 8.30 picking him up at 1 pm, in between going for groceries
also to Freshney Mall for some last minute shopping.
Time is running out. July 2nd is my departure date from Grimsby.
Having lunch and dinner invitations from my daughter's rest of friends.
Getting gifts too from them but in very relationship there is always give
and take. Nothing works one sided.
I never forget to take gifts for them like chocolates, flowers, anything
as good will gesture. Big cities have glitter. Small towns don't have much
distances so people have enough time to socialize.There is always
something plus in everything.
July 2nd, it is D day today for me. Have to do my packing, saying
goodbye to all my friends, the Black Squirrel, the White Butterfly,
Red and Pink Roses, White Daisies, Red fuchsia, Pink Hydrangea
also to my new friends, the Pigeons.
OK my Dear see you next time please keep in touch.
Leaving at 3 pm, my daughter has to pick her husband from Scantorpe
Hospital. He was working. Scanthorpe is 40 minutes drive from Grimsby.
She also has to fill up the Gas tank for the long trip to Rochester.
Our journey started at 4.30, we reached to Rochester, at my other
daughter's place at around 9 pm. It includes half an hour break at
Services near Dartford. We had dinner together at home. My room
was ready. My elder grandson always moves out to leave his room
for me. So nice of him. He done his Bachelors last month.
July 3rd, big plans for today. My middle daughter, from Grimsby one
has to go to see her Special daughter. She lives in Home, in Croydon.
I will go with her to see my grand daughter. Croydon is nearly 2 hours
drive from Rochester.
It is 2.30, having Kentucky Chicken. My Special grand daughter is also
here with everyone. Special moments for me. Having pictures to store in
my Memory Box. It is 3.30 now, have to leave for Finchley Station, to go
to my Grade five childhood friend's place.
I have to say Bye to everyone as they will go back to Rochester, then leave
for Grimsby in the morning, while I will stay at my friend's place.
I will take Bus # 109 from Croydon to Brixton station, from there Bus No
159 to Marble Arch, from there Bus No 13 to Finchley Station, my friend's
I went to the corner shop to check my Travel, Oyester card, put 5 Pounds
for my trip. I always try to take the front seat on the upper Deck of the bus
to enjoy the scenic view. It works like a Tour Bus.
Everything was going well. I changed the Bus from No 109 to No 159 but
after the Westminster Bridge, driver asked everyone to get down, giving
me the News that no buses from this point.
I have three bags with me with gifts for two of my friends. Another of my
friend was also there from Los Angeles. Having my own things too for
my overnight stay. I didn't planned my trip this way, stuck for a while.
I left my Purse on the Upper Deck, luckily remembered to collect right away.
I discussed with the driver about my route, he told me to walk to Oxford
Circus. It is long walk but I can get something from there. Anyway I walked
to Trafalgar Square. Big Demonstrations was going on, lots of police cars
were there. I went to Charing Cross tube station for Tube. But I need more
money in my Oyester Card.
There were Machines around to put cash in Travel Card. I am not
a machine person but there is always light at the end of tunnel. One
gentleman helped me out. He asked me to put 5 pound but I had
20 pound bill. Machines have their own mind sets, wont accept that.
Luckily I had some change. That helped me out. Some cash was already
in my travel card. It was 6 pounds altogether. I was safe. Now time to
focus on my rest of the journey.
I talked to one of the staff there. He asked me to go to Baker Street from
there I will get Bus No 13 for Finchley Station. It was very complicated so
many platforms. Anyway I got Bakeloo line from Platform No 5 to go to
Baker Street.
I reached my friend's place at around 7.30 evening, tired and exhausted but
two of my childhood friends were there. That was more than anything for
me. My room to stay was ready. I had shower changed and had dinner
We were having great time. My friend gave me my handwritten letter dated
30th March 1967. It was addressed to her, inviting on the occasion to come
to my place to celebrate my Son's special event. My Son was six weeks old
at that time. She saved that letter to keep as souvenir.
July 4th -- I am at Finchley Station, at my friend's place but I have to leave
at 1.30 pm. I planned to see my younger sister at Marble Arch.Today there
is Cycle Rally here so Buses wont go to Central London. It means I have to
chalk out another plan.
It is 2.30 I am at Marble Arch, with my sister sitting in Star Bucks having
tea and Banana bread slice, enjoying her company. From here I went to
Oxford Circus tube Station, got Victoria line to Stock Well tube station,
from there got Northern line to Tooting Beck station.
My daughter is visiting her mother in law at Tooting, she will pick me up.
I will go with her to Rochester. It will be two hours drive. It is 8 pm I am
at Rochester, at my daughter's place, tired but happy. I met my special
grand daughter, my friends and my sister. What else I want. I think
enough for now.
Dear Friends in Ireland, please don't bring snacks. Not fair
to Smile Corner business. I hope you people will understand.
Dear Retirees, value the moments in hand. That is the only Recipe to live
a happy life. If your mind is focused on the present moment, your body will
be with you, will fully co operate, wont get confused. Everything will be
worked out. We don't need any supplements.
For Smile with Smile program, I believe we never have to cross the private
territories of others. We always have to be aware of our limits, to flourish
our relationship. This works for everyone and in all circumstances, will
work for Teens too.
I am not happy with my Temple friends. They have to be considerate,
not to disturb the Cafe atmosphere and the customers around. They have
to calm down and be patient. Please respect everyone's sentiments.
Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, please listen to your Supervisor.
Focus on your work and be careful with the Wicked Worker.
Dear Smile Army friends, just relax and have patience. Listen to your
teachers and respect everyone's feelings. Everyone has to be welcomed in
Blog Reading Sessions.
Keep the atmosphere free from personal grudges. Thank You.
I hope things will be fine with my friends Dean, George and Lucy.
Hannah my friend, I think you have to go to your parents for some time
with Niklas. It is too much for you two. Take a break to get your energy
back. Let Kris manage things at his place for a while.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. The priest is also here today. He is making notes. It is like a festival here and no one is selling anything because you told them not to. Though customers are not saying anything here but a lot of customers are upset at me. They are saying that I am bothering you and asking you for help to increase my profits when you are in the middle of your hectic vacation schedule . I explained to them that no one was buying anything because people were giving things away for free but they said that they wont buy anything anyways to teach me a lesson. I am not sure what to do but please dont worry about me until you are back
ReplyDeleteMy Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor to all readers! She is an awesome schedule maker. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!
I read your blog every day. This is my lifeline
I like you blog in China. It very very good
ReplyDeleteThis good. I no Anglais. French good
DeleteYou blog good. I read Italy
DeleteI read blog Russia. I read family
DeleteThis blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.
DeleteAnd I read blog Polish
DeleteDear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say hello. I say I no want talk you because you bad. Wicked worker say did you not read blog today? I say OF COURSE I read and show her blog from my pocket. She say then remember what you Madam write about me. I say yes she say I need be careful. Wicked worker say yes you need take care me. I say no that not what it mean. She open dictionary and show me that careful mean take care. I say sorry to Job Worker 2. She say it no problem. She then tell me that she need do shopping but lot work. I say her dont worry about work, I will take care you and do all you work. She say ok and give me cake. Job worker 2 then go. I do 2 proud job and always read blog
ReplyDeleteDear Advisor,
ReplyDeleteThe retirees read your blog with amazement. The retirees do not understand if you are writing about a fictional character or are doing all these things alone in a matter of days. After going through the blog, the retirees have several questions. I am summarizing them here for your esteem perusal
- are you describing the daily events of a fictional character?
- if its for yourself, when are you finding time to rest?
- the retirees understand that you are in your 70s but that does not appear to be possible, perhaps you are in your 30s
= you have consistently informed us that you dont take supplements or vitamins, but are there any exercises that you do?
There were several other questions like that. The retirees who asked me to include these queries clarified that they are not questioning your integrity but it appears impossible that anyone can manage with this multi -activity, multi-city schedule on a daily basis
The retirees were furious with your son when we read about your account of the ordeal you faced when you went to visit your son. Some retirees said that he was not in London so perhaps its not his fault but the retirees are of the view that he should keep in touch with you over the phone and help plan your trip.
The temple people were quiet today. The retired priest was very happy though. He said that you are a good Christian who is visiting all the churches and cathedrals in your home country of England. He said that perhaps you are Protestant as this is a predominant faith that people in your home country follows
The Smile with Smile program committee expressed their gratitude to you for sharing details. They will review it in more details over the next few days as it is quite complicated. The committee for relationships and social well being will also be involved as they believe that this guidance spans across multiple committees.
thank you
recent retiree
Dear Author,
ReplyDeleteWe read your blog at the Smile Garden today. The students were surprised that you are having such a busy schedule. Many students said that they cant keep up with this themselves
Prof George, Mrs. Lucy and Dean were not here today again. We are not sure as to whats going on because they never miss a reading. WE asked one of the professors but she simply avoided the subject
The students and Smile Army shook hands because you advised us to get along. We then played darts together.
thank you
Literature Fellow
Yet another new blog today. What a fantastic author Smile is!!
ReplyDeletecool Kyle
She is not only fantastic author but also a fantastic person. Look at all the fantastic advice she gives to her readers
My Smile is amazing. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing advisor. She is an amazing counsellor. She has an amazing family. What an amazing my Smile is!
ReplyDeleteFather say father no no why you say Hannah go parent. Father say now father no good brakfast. Father say father old almost 67
ReplyDelete(Hannah say Hannah thank you because you write for Hannah when you on trip. Hannah say Hannah will go parent house. Hannah say Hannah kris wory you because you kris act and niklas rest. Hannah say Hannah kris prey you. Me explain Hannah that she stay but Hannah say Hannah make mind and go parent house because you say. Me say her cook for 2 week if she go 1 week so she start cook and will go parent house tomorro. Father anger. Niklas hapy. Hannah tire. Me confuse. Me no no what do)
Kris (Germany)
Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....
ReplyDeleteThank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again
Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.
ReplyDeleteFantastic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though