High Tea For Two

Image result for Chelmsford pictures

August 8th -- I am at Rochester at my other daughter's place. Grimsby 
is now history. I am done with visiting two of my childhood friends and 
my younger sister. Now I have to focus on the rest of my trip in England.

I was at Rochester last month too, from 15th to 30th June. My daughter 
was working at that time. Her school holidays started by the end of July.
I used to roam at the High Street, to pass my time. I made couple of 
new friends. 

One is Elizabeth. She runs "Six Travelers" museum and charity programs. 
Today I went to Rochester High Street to say Good Bye to her. We 
exchanged Email addresses.

I also got special money box from the Charles Dickens museum, for my 
youngest one, the Slurpee Boy. I have to carry only one suitcase but this 
can fit in somewhere.

One of my friend is my daughter's friend's Mom. She insisted me 
to  have lunch at her place. I believe that friends are like messengers
from God. We have to value their company.

9th August -- My daughter got gift Voucher for "Tea for two", from 
her school friend. She took me to the beautiful Restaurant on riverside. 
I am enjoying the High Tea and the scenic view here with my daughter. 
These will be golden memories for my memory box.

10th August -- Today I have to go to Chelmsford to visit my nephew's place.
I will stay there for overnight, be back on 11th evening, then have to go to 
Tooting Broadway to my cousin's place. I will stay there too, will be 
back on 12th, Monday night.

11th August -- I am at Chelmsford 22 C, it is 9.30 morning, done with my 
breakfast. Now enjoying my cup of tea, sitting on the olive green wooden 
bench, in my Nephew's back garden. It is a cozy spot, on my right is the 
summer house, made of wood with two glass windows and big glass front door.

Small wooden windmill, giving an antique look, at the far end corner.
Beautiful scenic view surrounded by all the green around. In front is the 
big swimming pool. 

I came last night from Rochester with my daughter. My youngest daughter 
from Reading came also here. My Nephew's wife arranged the grand 
dinner. My brother and sister in law also visiting their son from Canada.

We had great time together. It is 11 am, I am leaving Chelmsford, now
going to Rochester. Time flies but memorable moments always stay 
close to your heart.

13th August -- I am at Rochester. My youngest daughter is coming from 
Reading to pick me up. I planned to enjoy the last leg of my trip at her 
place. I am leaving on 18th of August. That will be the end of my wonderful 
trip to England. No doubt I enjoyed every bit of it.

Dear Retirees, I think I am not able to make you understand that I don't 
take any supplements, don't do any exercises. I believe that if you try to 
think positive nothing goes wrong. Please ask the Priest to stop talking 
about people's Religions. This is very private and personal matter.

Dear Readers in Ireland, you people don't have to worry. 
I always have time to talk to my Readers Family.

Dear Reader doing 2 Jobs, be careful doesn't mean to take care of. 
Wicked Worker tricked you again. Do your own work. Don't have to
work for her. This is not fair. 

Dear Students, I am really worried about my friends, Dean, George 
and Lucy. Please keep me posted about them. Thank you.

Kris Dear, please stop punishing my friend Niklas. Thanks. 
Why my friend Hannah has to cook for two weeks. Not fair to her.
You have to manage. Let her go to relax for a while.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. It has become a tradition that they come here to Smile Corner and then go to the market for their shopping. There is a big protest in front of my shop today. Customers were protesting against me. They are saying that I keep pestering you with my problems when you are on a trip visiting family and friends back home. I explained again that I only mentioned about the problem of people giving free stuff two times last month and that was because I was really going bankrupt, but the customers said they dont care. Some had signs saying "Leave Smile Alone", "Smile deserves a holiday", etc. I know you will be able to solve the problem with a stroke of your pen but I am not supposed to ask for your help because that will make everyone more upset.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. This blog is my lifeline. I pray for you every day


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. This good blog. I read Russia

    3. I like you blog in Italy. I ready with family

    4. You blog enjoy read because it give good fun message. I read Ukraine. I read with job peple

  5. I wish my mother in law can be as accommodating and understanding as you. She is the first one who wakes up and spoils my morning because she is the first one I see every day!

    Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. I go Happy Worker and say her how you. She say I ok. I say Madam no happy with me because Wicked Worker keep trick me all time. Happy Worker say no wory that. It ok. I say I wory more about my Madam. She say what hapen? She enjoying. I say yes but she go lot place. She need get rest because she flight on Sunday. Happy Worker say but she very active. She no like rest. I say yes but I wory about her that when she come back her only son will ask her for money and will not take care of her like her daughters. Happy Worker say yes we all wory about that. I say but how you know that Madam go meet friend and family because I no tell you blog. But Happy Worker no answer and say she need go because she need make important phone. I do 2 proud job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees continue to be amazed as read your blog. The retirees dont understand how you can do so many things in a single week. As you know, the retirees do not do these many things even in one year. The retired psychology professor who led the reading of today's blog, pointed out that your comments about positive thinking are quite significant. He said that he will share this with his colleagues who are working as this is useful for post graduate studies and researches

    The retired priest was not here today but we had an interesting situation. The temple people came and after the blog reading, one of them requested permission to speak. We thought that he had some questions about the blog so we agreed however we were surprised that he started talking about political situation between Pakistan and India. Apparently India made some decision which the temple people didnt like. We asked the gentleman to stop and explained that we are not interested in far away politics. There were some other temple people who saying things that are going in their country against people who migrated from India. We dont understand why they were discussing these things with us. One temple person explained that they are doing that to create public backlash. They also asked us to join some protest that they are going to hold but we are not interested so we didnt agree and left.

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Garden today. As has been the case for a few weeks, Dean, Prof George and Mrs. Lucy were not here today. However we accidentally found why they have been not coming to the readings. We overheard a conversation between some of the professors. They were saying that the Dean and Prof George have been served bankruptcy papers by the courts. Apparently they contributed a lot for the creation of the Smile Platform and also in the renovation of the Smile Garden. Smile Army idiots were spending a lot on this. Dean and Prof George noticed it and realized that if they dont help, a lot of these idiots will go bankrupt. First they tried to explain it to them to stop over-doing it, but when they realized that the idiots wont listen, they thought that if they dont help, the Smile Army fools will go bankrupt. So they decided to give them personal funds. They never told anyone about it because they wanted the Smile Army to take credit. All they said was that they have been donated this amount from donors, which was technically true. They both were confident that the uni will approve the application for additional funds, so they will get their money back and all will be ok. However due to the financial challenges, the uni did not approve of the funding, and they started defaulting on the payments. The Dean's wife is also very upset because she was not in favour of this. They did not want anyone, specially you to find out, as you are on holidays. When we heard this, we immediately called out the Smile Army idiots. We told them that it is their fault. The idiots said that they did not know.

    There were some students who wanted to talk about the challenges with their parents but we told them to put a sock in it. This is a big issue.

    We know you are on holidays, but when you get some time, can you suggest us what we should do

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing author. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say father no no why you tell Hannah go parent. Father say father old and no able cook. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah come Hannah parent like you say. Hannah say Hannah cook 3 week food so father and Kris niklas problem. Hannah say Hannah kris prey you because you fly home. Hannah say Hananh kris prey you for flight and also that you Kris care you because he niklas care. Father yell me that father need cook but me say father that father only put food in micro. Father say me need do but me no able do lunch because me need go ofice. Father yell and say why me no stop Niklas but me say he want go to Hannah parent to. Father anger, Hannah gone. Niklas gone. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Is Smile a traveller? An author? A philosopher? Or perhaps she is an artist? Artist ! You say? How can an author paint a picture in her blog? Well Smile does it with her words and folksy style. Dont take my word for it. Have a look at this:

    "Small wooden windmill, giving an antique look, at the far end corner.
    Beautiful scenic view surrounded by all the green around. In front is the
    big swimming pool. "


  12. Your blog has some very useful lessons which can be applied to corporate world. I have asked our VP of Customer Service to look at this blog and use it as a blue print for customer service. Just like Smile is connected with her friends and relatives, we need to do what we can to have long term relationships with our customers

    Keith Walker

  13. Man. I guess the lunacy will never stop. Kids today. Will they ever learn

    Thanks mrizvi. Jolly good comment

  14. You know Plunker that kids will be kids. Why worry about them. Some are worse than others. And I guess we are dealing with one of the bad one

    Fantastic job mrizvi for informing us that this is a good blog. Much appreciated


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