Good Bye Rochester - Hi To Reading

Image result for rochester pictures

13th August -- I am packing my stuff to go to Reading to my youngest 
daughter's place. It is around 2 hours drive. She came to Rochester to 
pick me up. It is 6.30 pm I am sitting in my daughter's back garden, 
enjoying my evening cup of tea.

On my left is the scenic spot with unique collection of variety of flower pots. 
I can see the bottle green ceramic pair of boots with white flowers. The 
black wire cat with Thyme. The colorful wooden doll with beautiful 
metallic flower in between the all green.

The two bottle green wire chairs are there to have seat. I am now sitting 
with my daughter, enjoying my cup of tea and the whole view around. 
I have four days left to enjoy my trip in England.

14th August -- It is 5 pm I am sitting in Costa Coffee House. My daughter 
is with me. She is having Soya Latte, I am enjoying black tea with milk 
and sugar with slice of Banana bread.

15th August --- It is 10.30 morning I am getting ready to drop my youngest 
grand daughter to her work place, will pick her up at 3.30 in the afternoon. 
Go for lunch at 12.30 to my daughter's sister in law's place. It is good to 
keep yourself busy. No time to think negatives.

It is 5.30 pm, I am having tea with my daughter. We are sitting in the 
back garden. Beautiful weather for a while. Tomorrow will be rain.
We will plan something indoors, enjoying the present moments for now.

16th August -- I am busy with my daughter, doing groceries, dropping 
her daughter to work place and enjoying our tea together in her garden. 
It is 6.30 pm, I am getting ready to go to my granddaughter's place. 

She invited me to have dinner at her place. She lives in Hammersmith,
beautiful place near riverside. It is one hour drive from Reading. She 
and her husband will be back from work by 7.30. We will enjoy some 
time together and also have dinner.

One more day left for me to enjoy my trip to England. Tomorrow my 
eldest grandson will be coming to see me from Central London. 
He lives near his work place. 

17th August -- It is sort of D day for me. I have to pack my stuff and 
now have to say Good Bye to Rochester to Reading, ultimately to 
England. Might see you guys next year. 

17th August evening -- I am done with my packing. It is 3.30 going 
to Windsor Castle, with my Daughter. Beautiful sunny day, I am 
walking at High Street. We paid parking 4.50 ponds for one hour. 

Lots of duck, seagulls, I can see tour boats too. Water is glittering. 
We are walking by the Riverside. Now sitting at McDonald having 
McFlurry and apple pie enjoying our time. 

Having pictures to store our precious moments.Tomorrow morning 
is my seven plus flight to Toronto. I know that. Why to worry now, 
just enjoying the moments in hand.

Dear Students I am worried about things with My Friends Dean 
and George. I believe everyone has to pitch in for them. Please convey 
my message to my Friend Chancellor to please come forward to help 
them out. I will highly appreciate that.

Dear Retirees, Temple Friends have to calm down, try to be considerate 
and not to disturb the Cafe atmosphere. Please try to keep the Blog Reading 
Sessions out of Religion and politics. Respect everyone's feelings please.
Thank you.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday, lots of customers are in my shop today to read blog. They come here to read blog from today and also the past week. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. They are still protesting against me and are not buying anything. They are still saying that I bothered you during your vacation by complaining about free giveaways outside the shop. I again explained that I only wrote 2 times because I was going bankrupt but they dont believe me and are continuing to raise slogans against me. I said that I will apologize to you but they are saying it is not good enough as I already spoiled your holidays. If no one is buying then I will go bankrupt. I am stuck and dont know what to do.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor to all readers! She is an awesome schedule maker. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read your blog every day. This is my lifeline


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. I read blog Russia. I read family

    4. This blog very knowledge. I read Spanish.

    5. And I read blog Polish

  5. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say me how you. I say you bad , I no want talk you. Wicked worker say that no good way to talk . You used to be good but now bad. What hapen? I say I no say anything bad I only say no want talk because my Madam explain very good and very nolege. She give advice to all dear readers. She tell dear retirees how talk and how walk. She tell dear students what to do to help Dear Mr. Dean. She go gorment conference. She help dear Mr. Pickering Mayor. she go gorment conference. She do search in micro. She big shot. Wicked worker say but did she give you cake . I say no. She smile and say so only I give cake to you? I say yes. She say think about it. I say yes you write. Job worker 2 then go. I do 2 ok job and always read blog

  6. Dear Advisor,

    The retirees continue to be amazed with your daily routine during your vacation. The retirees dont do that. We prefer to stay in one place. We also dont have links with our kids that we spend so much time with them. We noticed that your grandson also came to meet you and in one case you went to your grand daughter's house. The retirees dont have grandsons and granddaughters like that. The retired gardeners noted from your description of your daughter's garden that it is quite beautiful and well groomed. She is probably getting services from a good gardener.

    The retired priest was here today. He was pleased that you put the temple people in their places. The temple people and the hijab lady were quiet . They didnt raise any slogans also. The cafe manager is still offering them Smile discounts to then but we noticed that they are bringing food from outside. They get coffee from here but bring biscuits and cookies from outside. The retired priest raised this issue but the cafe manager said that they are Smile's guests so he will not ban them

    thank you
    recent retiree

  7. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at the Smile Platform today. Smile Platform is situated almost at the center of Smile Garden. It is already quite nice but every week, the Smile Army volunteers as well as other students and also professors help in keeping it clean and also beautiful. They trim the trees and hedges, remove dead leaves and flowers etc. When read the blog, there is pin drop silence. The Dean, when he is here, always stand up during the reading. Throughout the reading he keeps his eyes closed, head bowed and arms folded. I am saying all this because today was different. Today we noticed that he was wiping something of his face. We think its his tears but we are not sure. May be it is something else. One of the senior professor asked him the reason why he was away but he didnt say much. All he said was that there have been many rumours and some are true and some are not. When someone asked him why he was emotional during the reading, he said that you are such a big author but even a better human being. He specifically asked us to thank you for writing about him during your holidays. He was heard saying to Prof George that its good that her daughters and grandkids are appreciating her and taking care of her because his son is often negligent in these things. Prof George was here also. When we asked him about why he was away, he smiled and said "its ok . We should not trouble Smile for everything, specially during her holidays". The Smile Army have started to raise funds for the Dean but the Dean said to them to "wait". The idiots only listen to you. They are planning to go to caferia and get them to donate 50% of their daily earnings for Dean and Prof George. Both of them asked the idiots to wait, but they are no listening to them

    Mrs. Lucy was also here today. She brought carrot dessert for everyone .After that we played darts

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  8. Father say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah parent say Hannah no go back but Hannah say parent that Hannah lisen you. Hannah say Hannah go when you say go. Hannah say Hannah hapy that you doter care you and you Niklases care you. Hannah say Hannah kris prey you. Hannah say you please care you because you very sensitive and care all. Me go Hannah parent and say Hannah need come because father hungry and no want freeze food from frige. Hannah say me that Hannah only come when you say. Me say Niklas come but Niklas no lisen. Me plan cut net. Niklas say no do. Father ssay do. Me confuse, me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  9. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing author. She is an amazing psychologist. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. My mother in law is reading your blog every day for a long time and some of your messages are getting through her. I mean the way you treat your daughter in law is an example for her. Some of it is getting through to her but she is a little thick so please write more for her

    Happy Reader

    1. My ridiculous daughter in law does not know how to respect elders. She is very negative and keeps bothering me all the time. Please give her more advice because she not very smart and also very lazy

      Mother in Law of the happy reader

  11. Please Please Please. Someone heeeellllllllpp. I cannot take it

    Thanks mrizvi. Very good comment

  12. Hey Plunker. Remember Smile wants us to be kind. Also she told us that "this too shall pass"

    Very brilliant comment mrizvi. Way to go

  13. Yet another new blog today. What a fantastic author Smile is!!

    cool Kyle

    1. She is not only fantastic author but also a fantastic person. Look at all the fantastic advice she gives to her readers



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