It is July 1st, I am at Grimsby

Image result for grimsby pictures

It is 12.15 Friday 28th June, sunny 21 C, windy with gusts. My daughter 
is working, she comes back at 4 pm, in weekdays. I have to schedule to 
spend my own time. Today I will go to Rochester Castle, it's history goes 
back to year 1080, has big towers and looks like fortress. 

I walked around the Castle but didn't go through the whole area. It was too 
much walk. Cathedral is located at the base of the Castle. It is 1.20, now
I am sitting in the Herb garden of "The Six Travelers House" museum.

It is one of my favorite spots in Rochester. I am sitting on the steel grey 
chair, writing my Blog, enjoying the atmosphere, the beautiful Roses 
around. It is 2 pm, I am going to my next favorite spot, "Francis Gallery",
the Art museum.

It is Saturday 29th June, my last weekend in Rochester. I made plans to 
spend some time with my daughter, to go to High Street to be at my favorite 
spots, with her.

Because of so many historic places in Rochester, no free parking here. 
It is 11.45, parking all full, luckily we got one spot in the Cathedral Short 
Stay parking lot. It was 1.50 pound for two hours. Not bad.

We went to "Travelers House", to the Herb Garden and to the Art Gallery. 
We had Danish Pastry and drinks from the historic Morley Bakery. It was 
very hot day here 32 C, still we had great time.

Sunday 30th June, sunny bright beautiful morning with 24 C, much better 
than yesterday's 32 C. Busy morning, I am leaving to Grimbsy. I am done 
with my breakfast, my suitcase and trolley already packed.

My Son in law and my daughter driving me half way, up to Luton. My 
middle daughter is here, with all of her family to pick me up. I started 
my journey from Rochester, at 1.45, I am at Grimsby at 5.30 pm.

It is 7.30, I am done with my shower and dinner now walking in my  
daughter's back garden. She is watering the plants and telling me all
about her back garden stories, the flowers, the six Squirrels, living on 
the fifteen feet tall tree.

The Frog , that lives in the small flower bed with purple, red and yellow 
flowers, in her front garden. When she starts watering, it jumps out. 

July 1st, Monday cloudy morning 16 C, it is 8.10 am, I am getting ready 
to go with my daughter. She is going to drop her son to school. Here 
summer holidays start by the end of July. 

Whole day, I was busy with her doing groceries, picking kids from work
and school and also from 4 pm to 5 pm at swimming pool, for her youngest 
one. It is 5.30 I am home now. Having great moments with my daughter.

Tuesday is bit cold 13 C, bright sunny morning. It is 8.15 am, I am ready 
to go with my daughter to drop her kids, to work and to school. To get 
happiness, spend time with your family. It always works.

My daughter had hair cut and hair color appointments for me but I am 
not a Hairdo person. I asked her to cancel that. I will go to enjoy with her, 
in some other way. I will see. 

Wednesday, it is 11.30, I am sitting on one of the silver steel benches at 
Grimsby train station, enjoying my time alone slot. There are only three 
platforms, here. Train with two carriages just arrived at platform # 2, going 
to Dorcaster, towards London. 

Thursday July 4th, sunny beautiful morning 18 C. It is 8.50 am, after 
school run, me and my daughter going to Bradford. It is 30 minutes from 
Manchester and one and half hour away from Grimsby. We will enjoy 
our time and be back by 3 .15, to pick our youngest one from school.

Friday July 5th, 18 C, sunny beautiful morning. Today I will do my hair 
color. I will do it myself at home. School run is my daily routine, to drop 
my grandson at after 8.15, and to pick him up at 3.15 after. 

Tomorrow will be very busy day. My son in law invited his hospital 
colleagues for Brunch at our place, from 10 to 12. We also have to go to 
a birthday party at 3 pm. I have to sort my clothes from my suitcase for 
that and also buy some gift. I love to live in day tight compartment.

Dear Retirees please ask Temple people not to be loud.  Everyone has to 
keep in mind not to disturb the Cafe atmosphere.  I thank my Friend the
Cafe Manager for his patience.

Kris Dear please give Niklas his phone back and let him play his 
Video games. Please don't punish him. He didn't do anything.


  1. I have posted the blog in Smile Corner. This being Saturday lots of customers are in my shop today. There is no room inside, and people are waiting outside. I am running low on supplies. It is a festival here . The new Councillor brought "Morning Smile". Yes the NEW Councillor. She is also a big fan now and come regularly. These omelettes are very popular in our town. We call the omelettes "Morning Smile" here as it is our way to acknowledge Smile all day. The priest is here too.

  2. My Smile is awesome! She is an awesome advisor! She is an awesome philosopher. She is an awesome writer. She has awesome family. What an awesome person my Smile is!!


  3. I read this blog every day. It is my lifeline


  4. I like you blog in China. It very very good

    1. This good. I no Anglais. French good

    2. You blog good. I read Italy

    3. This good blog. I read Russia

    4. And I read blog in Ukraine

    5. I read Poland. I read family

  5. My rude daughter in law does not believe in giving gifts to anyone. I don't want to say anything but she is a little slow.

    Mother in Law of the Happy Reader.

    1. My mother in law is also like father. It is all about "me me" for her. I hope your reader pray for her because only God can help her.

      Happy Reader

  6. Dear Madam Smile, you so good. You write good to. Wicked worker come and say how you. I say I no want talk because you bad. She say what happen? You forget I help you get job 2 back and get cake. I say Oh yes I forget. I sorry. She say no mind eat cake.I say I no want eat cake because my Madam away and I need go pray for her. Job worker 2 say but she enjoying and she no time to write 2 line for you. I say she very busy, she lot reader and she help lot peeople. Like today, she help advise dear Retirees and Dear Kris. I mo need advise so she no write for me. Job worker 2 say what you talk. You 2 bad job but it ok you eat cake and listen me. I say NEVER I only listen Madam. She say ok I need do more work on you and then go. I do 2 bad job and always read blog

  7. Dear Advisor,

    We appreciated your blog today. We were surprised that you went to so many places. The retirees dont do that. We prefer to sit and watch TV. We also dont spend that much time with her children when we visit them as it is too tiring for us. We were surprised that you enjoyed the frog, went to various historic places in Rochestor and then came immediately to Grimsby and immediately resumed your regular active routine without taking a week or so off. Some retirees mentioned that you probably took a day off to rest and recuperate

    The temple people have been informed by the retired priest that they cant raise slogans or they will be banned from the readings.

    The retirees are wondering if you can tell us a little bit about spending time with the family. We are asking because you seem to be doing that quite well. We only visit our children once a year around Christmas and that event does not usually go that well. Some retirees noticed that you are doing well to avoid your grandkids. Perhaps thats a strategy that we should use also. If you can please help

    BTW, thank you for posting the recipe this week. It was a houseful and the hospital administrator was the one who asked me to deliver her thanks to you. She also said that this is on behalf of the entire staff ie physicians, nurses, cooks, administration etc. She joked that the patients enjoy it so much that some are having second thoughts to leave the hospital

    thank you
    recent retiree

  8. Dear Author,

    We read your blog at he Smile Platform which is situated in the Smile Garden. There was a big buzz after the blog as the Smile Army overheard a conversation between her and Prof George. She said that its good that you are enjoying yourself as your daughters are taking good care of you unlike your son who does not. The Smile Army starting raising slogans. The Dean was there as usual but he didnt intervene but simply said that it is ok. They are not completely wrong. We then went to play darts

    Some of the students are very concerned because their parents are taking them for long drives and use the time to give them lectures. In one case, the student got a very long 5 min lecture. And thats not all, she got the first lecture of about 5 mins only 2 weeks ago. She has now refused to go with her parents in the car because they hijack her. Also the parent again visited the place of work for one of the students. It was a shop in a shopping plaza. The parent said that he was going to a Dr's office in the mall and therefore parked his car in the mall's parking lot and didnt visit her or even come near her store but the student is still upset and saying that can her father bok the appointment at a different time or place. WE know that the lucky guy does not have to worry about it but its a big deal for us

    thank you
    Literature Fellow

  9. My Smile is amazing!! She is an amazing writer. She is an amazing councillor. She is an amazing therapist. She has an amazing family. What an amazing person my Smile is!!

  10. Father say father yell Niklas lot today because you rite that he no do any. Father say father go lot place and lot castle like you. Father say father plan wake Niklas morning before son so Niklas become act and start do.. Father say father no say father old almost 67

    (Hannah say Hannah sad because all yell Niklas. Hannah say niklas Niklas. Hannah say Hannah kris happy that you injoy. Hannad say Hannah kris pray you. Me yell Niklas because he no do any and tell him you say to. Hannah say you no meen like that but me say Hannah you stay out. Me give him phone but cut net. Niklas sad. Hannah sad. Father happy. Me confuse. Me no no what do)

    Kris (Germany)

  11. Replies
    1. Oh Come ON! What is this ! Just give me a break - will yeah! I know .. I know ....

      Thank you mrizvi. Brilliant comment - again

    2. Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmm down Plunker, just calm down.

      Fantatic job kiddo. You are bang on. How did you know that this is a good blog! You are right though


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