Snow is all around
March 1st 2025
March has already started, spring is just
around the corner and we are still under the grip of cold. Winter is not
done for us in Canada. It's 16 C below zero feels like 24 C below.
of snow are all around due to last week's two back to back snow storms.
We are having light snow every day but not as much as last week.
had thirty five centimeters of snow in just two or three days. Snow is
no problem here in Canada, especially in Toronto. City is equipped to
deal with that. Streets and walkways all cleared right away. I live by
the curly roadside still it is done in a couple of hours later on.
provinces in Canada on the North side have issues as there is too much
snow not easy to handle so it takes time to clear the mess. My eldest
daughter in Edmonton has to wear cleats to get mail from the mailbox
just across her house.
Winter is long over there for more than
six months. I won't blame the city people. It's tough to deal with so
much snow for such a long time. She told me the day before it was 35 C
below zero.
We Humans are amazing creatures. We can adjust to
any circumstances. Adopt the surroundings and try to enjoy whatever is
available. My daughter is happy over there. She has been living in
Edmonton for years.
She has her own theory that long winters give
her more time to focus on things. I think attitude is everything to
look at things with a positive perspective.
Maybe she is right.
We have more time to focus indoors. We have time in hand to manage our
house in a better way. We have time in hand to focus on our inner self.
Time to listen to our own selves to get more inner peace deep down.
season has its own beauty. It's its own individuality. Every season
provides us humans so many different ways to enjoy our time to make our
There is a change of scenery. Change of Nature with a
variety of greenery. Variety of colors. Trees are transformed into
skeletons in winter time. Everything comes back to life in spring.
go to the South in cold Canadian time. They come back with a new
spirit. New enthusiasm to start their lives. Roses come back to bloom.
Magnolia tree in my front garden becomes loaded with beautiful yellow
flowers around. Wild flowers of all colors start giving color to the
atmosphere. It all looks amazing.
Every season is unique with
its own beauty. It's own individuality with its own characteristics like
we humans. God is a Great Creator. No doubt about that. Thank You God
for everything. Thank You so much. We don’t deserve all that.
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