Flowers of happiness
It's a beautiful cold morning windy day gusts around 44 km. Weather is getting better, still 8 C below zero. Some people started their walks wearing winter coats with gloves and everything on. Snow is still around, melting down a bit. Walkways are patchy with small water puddles here and there. Sun is smiling from up and above. He is there most of the time to make our days brighter. This is the beauty of Canada that we have bright days even at times of 20 C below zero. Our gloomy cloudy days are not so many in comparison to our sunny mornings. Every city and every country is unique, differs with its own climate with its own scenario and beauty. While visiting various cities we get different flavors everywhere to enjoy our time. I had visitors early this morning today. My late husband's younger brother’s wife is here from back home visiting her daughter. She is leaving next week, she came to see me with her daughter from Mississauga. It's forty minutes a...